Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

<entry> Element

The <entry> element is an optional child element of the <entryList> element. This element specifies the owner, group, and permission settings for one entry in the resource. The <entry> element has one required element, <settings>. See <settings> Element.

Files and directories that do not appear as <entry> elements in the <entryList> block use the following:

Attributes for the <entry> Element

The <entry> element has one required attribute, name. The name value is a string that defines the name of this entry, relative to the root of the resource. The name of the top-level resource should always be root.

For example, if the resource created a directory hierarchy starting with topDir, the name attribute for the top level directory is root. The name attribute for a nested directory subDir would be root/subDir. For a file resource named file.txt, the name attribute would be root.

Note –

Trailing slash (/) characters are not permitted.

See Sample XML for the <resourceDescriptor> Element.