Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

<control> Element

The <control> element defines a control block that is available for this component. A control block is a sequence of steps that can be performed after the component has been installed. For example, a component for a database application might include control blocks to start or shut down the database. A <call> step can invoke a control block by name, which causes the control block steps to be executed in order.

The <control> element children consist of an optional <paramList> element followed by a body, which consists of an optional local <varList> element followed by zero or more “shared” steps. See Shared Steps. The body is not included if the control block is declared abstract.

By default, a derived component inherits all accessible control blocks of its base component. Semantics for overriding a control block are the same as those for overriding an install block.

Attributes for the <control> Element

The <control> element has the following attributes: