Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

<exec> Element

An <execNative> step can contain only one <exec> element. The <exec> element specifies the details of the native command to be executed.

The <exec> element contains the following attributes:

<execNative> executes the command specified by cmd with the arguments in the order in which they are specified.

For example, the following <execNative> step executes the ps -fu sps command:

    <exec cmd=”ps”>
        <arg value=”-fu”/>
        <arg value=”sps”/>

The <exec> element has an optional child element, <arg>. Specify one <arg> element for each argument that you want to pass to the command.

The <arg> element has one required attribute, value, which is the argument value. This argument is supplied as the nth argument to the command, where <arg> is the nth child of the command element.This attribute can reference simple substitution variables.

Attributes for the <exec> Element

The <exec> element has one required attribute, cmd, which is the path of the command to execute. If the specified path is not absolute, the command is found by using the platform-specified PATH environment variable set for the remote agent. This value should be a nonempty string. This attribute can reference simple substitution variables.