Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

Chapter 6 Plug-In Descriptor Schema

This chapter describes the XML schema that you use to define a plug-in. The chapter contains the following topics:

<plugin> Element Overview

The <plugin> element is the top-level element in the plug-in schema. The <plugin> element identifies the parts of the plug-in.

Attributes for the <plugin> Element

The <plugin> element has the following attributes:

Child Elements of the <plugin> Element

The <plugin> element may include the following child elements:

<readme> Element

The <readme> element is a child of the <plugin> element and is used to declare the location of a readme.txt file in the plug-in JAR. This readme.txt file is expected to be a Unicode-encoded text file. The byte order mark (BOM) is used to specify the Unicode encoding. If no BOM is present, UTF-8 encoding will be used by default.

The <readme> element has one attribute, jarPath, that contains the path name to the readme file. The path name of the readme file is relative to the root of the plug-in JAR file. Leading slash (/) or period (.) characters are not permitted in the jarPath.

<serverPluginJAR> Element

The <serverPluginJAR> element is a child of the <plugin> element and is used to declare the location of a server side plug-in JAR file that contains code to run on the Master Server. The location of this JAR file is relative to the root of the plug-in JAR file. This JAR file will typically contain component exporter implementations for the component types defined by the plug-in. Externally written code that is to run in the Master Server (for example, exporter classes) need not be in the same JAR file as the code that runs on the agent for the plug-in, though it is permissible.

The <serverPluginJAR> element has one attribute, jarPath, that contains the path name to the server-side plug-in JAR file. The path name is relative to the root of the plug-in JAR file. Leading slash (/) or period (.) characters are not permitted in the jarPath.

<gui> Element

The <gui> element is an optional child of the <plugin> element and is used to declare the location of a separate plug-in UI descriptor file for a set of GUI extensions in support of this plug-in. The syntax of this plug-in UI descriptor file is described in Chapter 7, Plug-In User Interface Schema.

The <gui> element has one attribute, jarPath, that contains the path name to the plug-in UI descriptor file. The path name is relative to the root of the plug-in JAR file. Leading slash (/) or period (.) characters are not permitted in the jarPath.

<dependencyList> Element

The <dependencyList> element is a child of the <plugin> element and is used to declare a list of other plug-ins on which this plug-in depends. It has no attributes and contains one or more <pluginRef> elements that identify a dependency for this plug-in. When the plug-in is deployed, the N1 SPS software checks against these dependencies.

<pluginRef> Element

The <pluginRef> element is a child of the <dependencyList> element and is used to declare a reference to another plug-in. The <pluginRef> element has two required attributes:

The <pluginRef> element contains no child elements.

<memberList> Element

The <memberList> element is a child of the <plugin> element and is used to declare a list of system objects that are part of this plug-in. These objects can appear in any order.

The <memberList> element has no attributes and contains at least one of the following child elements:

<folder> Element

The <folder> element is a child of the <memberList> element and is used to declare a folder to be referenced by the plug-in.

A plug-in can specify a folder to be created in the form of a full path name. For example, /a/b/c. In this example, a and b are interior folders, and c is a leaf folder. The plug-in owns the leaf folder. The admin group is listed as the folder owner group, and the folder is identified as being owned by the plug-in. A plug-in may only create components and plans in a folder that it owns. Users cannot create components, plans or subfolders in a plug-in owned folder.

If an interior folder does not exist when a plug-in is loaded, it is implicitly created. Interior folders may not be owned by a plug-in. The owner group for a plug-in created interior folder is the admin group, but the folder is not identified as belonging to any plug-in. If a plug-in author intends for interior folders to be explicitly owned by a plug-in, the folders should be created individually. In the above example, folder /a would be created first, followed by folder /a/b, then folder /a/b/c.

Unowned interior folders may not be created under an owned interior folder. This requirement prevents plug-in authors from creating components and plans in a folder between owned folders in the folder hierarchy, which would complicate the deletion semantics.

If an interior folder exists and is unowned when a plug-in is loaded, the interior folder is used directly. If an interior folder exists and is owned by a plug-in, the interior folder must be owned either by the current plug-in or by a plug-in on which the current plug-in has a direct dependency. This requirement enables multiple cooperative plug-ins to be distributed separately by a plug-in vendor. By obeying Java package style naming conventions when creating folders, vendors can avoid folder name space collisions.

Attributes for the <folder> Element

The <folder> element has two attributes:

<hostType> Element

The <hostType> element is a child of the <memberList> element and is used to declare a host type to be referenced by the plug-in. The name of the host type will be implicitly prefixed with the plug-in name when the host type is created in the system.

Attributes for the <hostType> Element

The <hostType> element has two attributes:

<varlist> Element

The <hostType> element contains an optional <varlist> child element. The <varlist> element specifies a list of variables to be added to the <hostType> element and later used by hosts in configuration.

The <varlist> child element contains one or more <var> child elements. The <var> element provides <hostType> element variable declaration through two required attributes:

<hostSet> Element

The <hostSet> element is a child of the <memberList> element and is used to declare a host set to be referenced by the plug-in. The <hostSet> element cannot contain hosts, since plug-ins cannot define hosts. Platform host sets cannot be defined by any plug-in other than the system plug-in. The name of the host set will be implicitly prefixed with the plug-in name when the host set is created in the system.

The <hostSet> element contains two optional child elements:

Attributes for the <hostSet> Element

The <hostSet> element has three attributes:

<hostSetRef> Element

The <hostSetRef> element is a child of the <hostSet> element. It specifies a sub-host set. This host set must have been previously defined either in this plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. References to host sets defined in another plug-in must include the plug-in name, for example, Unqualified references are assumed to be objects created by this plug-in.

Attributes for the <hostSetRef> Element

The <hostSetRef> element has one attribute, name. This attribute provides the name of the host set reference. The name attribute has an optional pluginName that has a maximum length of 64, followed by a # separator, followed by a hostEntityName that has a maximum length of 32.

<hostSearchRef> Element

The <hostSearchRef> element is a child of the <hostSet> element. It specifies a sub-host search. This host search must have been previously defined either in this plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. References to host searches defined in another plug-in must include the plug-in name, for example, Unqualified references are assumed to be objects created by this plug-in.

Attributes for the <hostSearchRef> Element

The <hostSearchRef> element has one attribute, name. This attribute provides the name of the host search reference. The name attribute has an optional pluginName that has a maximum length of 64, followed by a # separator, followed by a hostEntityName that has a maximum length of 32.

<hostSearch> Element

The plug-in <hostSearch> element is a child of the <memberList> element and is used to declare a host search to be referenced by the plug-in. The name of the host search will be implicitly prefixed with the plug-in name when the host search is created in the system.

The <hostSearch> element contains at least one of the following child elements:

Note –

Although the <criteriaList>, <appTypeCriteria>, and <physicalCriteria> elements are each optional, one of the three must be provided.

Attributes for the <hostSearch> Element

The <hostSearch> element has two attributes:

<criteriaList> Element

The <criteriaList> element is a child of the <hostSearch> element. It specifies a list of criteria to be added to the <hostSearch> element. The <criteriaList> element must be specified if <appTypeCriteria> and <physicalCriteria> are not specified.

The <criteriaList> element contains one or more <criteria> elements. The <criteria> element specifies a search criteria, including name, match type, and pattern.

Attributes for the <criteriaList> Element

The <criteriaList> element has three attributes:

<appTypeCriteria> Element

The <appTypeCriteria> element is a child of the <hostSearch> element. It specifies a list of application type criteria to be added to the <hostSearch> element. The arguments of the <appTypeCriteria> element are expressed as attributes, and order is not important. If all values are false or the element is empty or unspecified, the search disregards this criteria when performing the search. The <appTypeCriteria> element must be specified if <criteriaList> and <physicalCriteria> are not.

Attributes for the <appTypeCriteria> Element

The <appTypeCriteria> element has three optional attributes:

<physicalCriteria> Element

The <physicalCriteria> element is a child of the <hostSearch> element. It specifies a list of physical type criteria to be added to the <hostSearch> element. The arguments of the <physicalCriteria> element are expressed as attributes, and order is not important. If all values are false or the element is empty or unspecified, the search disregards this criteria when performing the search. The <physicalCriteria> element must be specified if <criteriaList> and <appTypeCriteria> are not.

Attributes for the <physicalCriteria> Element

The <physicalCriteria> element has two optional attributes:

<component> Element

The <component> element is a child of the <memberList> element and is used to declare a component in the plug-in JAR file. All objects referenced by this component must have been previously defined either in this plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.

The <component> element contains three optional child elements:

Attributes for the <component> Element

The <component> element has two attributes:

<systemService> Element

The <systemService> element is a child of the <component> element and is used to declare a system service backed by the containing component. This element may not be used with the <componentType> element. When the <systemService> element is used in a <component> element, a component is loaded and a <systemServiceRef> that references that component is created. The name of the system service is prefixed with the plug-in name when the system service is created in the system.

Attributes for the <systemService> Element

The <systemService> element has two attributes:

<componentType> Element

The <componentType> element is a child of the <component> element and is used to declare a component type backed by the containing component. The <componentType> element may not be used with the <systemService> element. When the <componentType> element used in a <component> element, a component is loaded and a component type that is backed by that component is created. The name of the component type is prefixed with the plug-in name when the component type is created in the system.

Component types are grouped by plug-in, and ordered by the component type order within these groupings. Groupings are ordered according to the plug-in order. Within a particular plug-in, the component types are indented under distinct group names as defined by the component types.

Attributes for the <componentType> Element

The <componentType> element has five attributes:

<resource> Element

The <resource> element is a child of the <component> element. It specifies a resource file name and location in the JAR file. A resource is always checked in as a simple file-typed resource. The component that contains the <resource> element must be a simple component whose <resourceRef> element refers to the resource created by the <resource> element.

Attributes for the <resource> Element

The <resource> element has three attributes:

<plan> Element

The <plan> element is a child of the <memberList> element and is used to declare a plan in the plug-in JAR. All objects referenced by this plan must have been previously defined either in this plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.

Attributes for the <plan> Element

The <plan> element has two attributes:

Sample XML for the <plugin> Element

Example 6–1 Sample Plug-in Descriptor File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plugin name="com.bigCo.logic.pluginName"
       description="imitation WL plugin" 
  <readme jarPath="docs/readme.txt"/>
 <serverPluginJAR jarPath="lib/appserver/serverCode.jar"/>
 <gui jarPath="custom/weblogic/gui/pluginUI.xml"/>
 <pluginRef name="webLogicUtils" version="1.0"/>
 <pluginRef name="otherPlugin" version="1.3"/>
 <folder name="/com/bea/weblogic/6.0" description="Weblogic 6.0 plugin folder"/>
 <folder name="/folder2" description="second place sees dust"/>
 <hostType name="WL Admin Server" description="Host Type for Weblogic Admin Servers">
 <var name="adminPort" default="7001"/>
 <var name="adminUser" default="weblogic"/>
 <var name="secureConnect" default="false"/>
 <hostSet name="Weblogic Admin Servers" description="The Weblogic Admin Servers">
 <hostSetRef name="WL boxes"/>
 <hostSearchRef name="WL Admin Search"/>
 <hostSearch name="WL box search" description="matches Weblogic boxes">
 <criteria name="sys.OS" match="CONTAINS" pattern="SunOS"/>
 <criteria name="sys.OSVersion" pattern="5.9"/>
 <appTypeCriteria ms="false" ld="false" ra="true"/>
 <physicalCriteria physical="true" virtual="true"/>
 <hostSet name="Weblogic Servers" description="All Weblogic Servers">
 <hostSetRef name="Weblogic Admin Servers"/>
 <hostSetRef name="com.bigCo.logic.cluster#Weblogic Clusters"/>
 <component jarPath="comps/system/weblogic/foo.xml" majorVersion="true">
 <componentType name="contained EJB CT" 
 description="contained ejb comp type ref" 
 <component jarPath="weblogic/system/comps/bar.xml">
 <systemService name="WebLogic SS" description="WL service ref"/>
 <component jarPath="weblogic/system/comps/baz.xml"/>
 <plan jarPath="weblogic/system/plans/bar.xml" majorVersion="false"/>
 <component jarPath="weblogic/system/comps/dee.xml">
 <resource jarPath="weblogic/system/plugin-core.jar" majorVersion="true"/>
 <component jarPath="weblogic/system/comps/boo.xml">
   <resource jarPath="weblogic/system/bigDir/" majorVersion="true"
  	name="com/sun/boo" type="DIRECTORY" checkInMode="ADD_TO"
 		descriptorPath="resources/bigDir.manifest" />