Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

<action> Element

The <action> element is a child of the <entry> element and defines a user action. Each <action> element must contain exactly one child element.

The <action> element has two attributes:

Each <action> element must contain one of the following child elements:


The <compCreate> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the component create page for the named component type.

The <compCreate> element has one required attribute:

  • typeName – The name of the component type. The component type must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. The component type cannot be defined as hidden. The pluginName must be prefixed to the component type name, for example, fullPluginName#componentTypeName.


The <compDetails> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the component details page for the latest version of the named component.

The <compDetails> element has two required attributes:

  • path – The absolute path of the component.

  • name – The name of the component. The component must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.


The <compList> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the component list page filtered by the named component type. If the optional path or flatView attributes are omitted, their values will be picked up from the user's session when the users clicks on the link. If not omitted, the user's session values will be changed to reflect them after clicking on the link.

The <compList> element has three attributes:

  • typeName – The required name of the component type. The component type must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. The component type cannot be defined as hidden. The pluginName must be prefixed to the component type name, for example, fullPluginName#componentTypeName.

  • path – An optional full path by which to filter the components list page. The path must start with a slash (/), and should not end with a slash (/). The folder that the path represents must be a folder either owned by this plug-in or owned by a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. Alternatively, the folder can contain a folder owned by this plug-in or by a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.

  • flatView – An optional statement as to whether the list page should enable the flat view filter.


The <compWhereInstalled> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the Component Where Installed page for the latest version of the named component.

The <compWhereInstalled> element has two required attributes:

  • path – The absolute path of the component.

  • name – The name of the component. The component must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.


The <hostList> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the host list page filtered by the named host type.

The <hostList> element has one required attribute:

  • typeName – The name of the host type. The host type must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. The host type cannot be defined as hidden. The pluginName must be prefixed to the host type name, for example, fullPluginName#hostTypeName.


The <planDetails> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the plan details page for the latest version of the named plan.

The <planDetails> element has two required attributes:

  • path – The absolute path of the plan.

  • name – The name of the plan. The plan must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.


The <compProcedureRun> element is a child of the <action> element and enables you to run a component procedure directly.

The <compProcedureRun> element has four required attributes:

  • name – The name of the component that contains the procedure to run. The component must be contained in this plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.

  • path – The absolute path to the component.

  • procedureName – The name of the component procedure.

  • procedureType – The type of the component procedure. Valid values include INSTALL, UNINSTALL or CONTROL.


The <external> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to an arbitrary URL that is outside of the N1 SPS product. For example, you might use this element to provide a link to a corporate web page that contains additional information about a specific plug-in or feature.

The <external> element has one attribute, url, which supplies a well-formed URL. The URL must conform to the Internet standard for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) as specified in RFC3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax.

To ensure that the XML for the plug-in user interface descriptor is well-formed, the url attribute may include escaped special characters. Use the following escape sequences for the specified characters:


Escape Sequence 







