Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

Common Attribute Types

An attribute type serves as a constraint on the value of a plan or component attribute. If an attribute does not list a specific type, its value is unconstrained.

The following sections describe the format of the attribute types that are used by the schema. \p{N} represents all Unicode numbers, while \p{L} represents all Unicode letters.

entityName Attribute Type

Attributes of type entityName have a maximum length of 512 characters and match the following pattern:

[\p{N}\p{L}-_. ]+

As a special case, dot (.) and dot-dot (..) are not permitted to be entity names.

systemName Attribute Type

Attributes of type systemName consist of a simpleSystemName that has a maximum length of 64 characters, and optionally, a pluginName that also has a maximum length of 64 characters, as follows:


Where simpleSystemName matches the following pattern:

[\p{L}_][\p{N}\p{L}-_. +]*

identifier Attribute Type

Attributes of type identifier have a maximum length of 512 characters and match the following pattern:


pathName Attribute Type

Attributes of type pathName have a maximum length of 512 characters and match one of the following patterns:


where pathPart is [\p{N}\p{L}-_. ]+.

You can use the / separator to string together pathParts, such as /pathPart/pathPart/pathPart.

As a special case, dot (.) and dot-dot (..) are not permitted to be included in pathPart.

pathReference Attribute Type

Attributes of type pathReference have the following syntax:





modifierEnum Attribute Type

Attributes of type modifierEnum have either ABSTRACT or FINAL as their value. In general, a value of ABSTRACT indicates that the associated entity must be overridden by a derived component. A value of FINAL indicates that the associated entity cannot be overridden.

accessEnum Attribute Type

Attributes of type accessEnum have one of these values:

version Attribute Type

Attributes of type version match the following pattern:


schemaVersion Attribute Type

Attributes of type schemaVersion can have only one of these values, 5.0 or 5.1.

HostEntityName Attribute Type

Attributes of type HostEntityName have a maximum length of 64, and can include any combination of Unicode letters and numbers.

pluginName Attribute Type

Attributes of type pluginName have a maximum length of 64, and can include any combination of Unicode letters and numbers.

pluginHostEntityName Attribute Type

Attributes of type pluginHostEntityName have a maximum length of 64, and can include any combination of Unicode letters and numbers.