Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

Local <varList> Element

The local <varList> element is a child of the <installSteps>, <uninstallSteps>, <snapshot>, and <control> elements. This element declares a list of variables that can be used by the steps of the enclosing element. The values of the variables are defined at the point of declaration. They cannot be redefined.

The steps of the enclosing element can use the following variables and parameters:

If a local <varList> variable has the same name as a component <varList> variable, the value of the local variable is used. In this case, the local variable is said to “hide” the component variable. Hiding is not permitted between local variables and parameters because their names must be distinct.

The local <varList> element has one required child element, <var>, which is a local variable declaration that includes a name and a default value. You can specify more than one <var> element.

Local <var> Element

The local <var> element is a required child of the local <varList> element and is used to declare a local variable name and its value.

The local <var> element has the following attributes: