Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

Pattern Matching

A number of element attributes can contain regular expression patterns. Unless otherwise specified, these patterns are glob-style patterns rather than fully generic regular expressions. Thus, an asterisk (*) is used to match zero or more characters, and a question mark (?) is used to match exactly one character. Characters listed inside of square brackets ([]) match any one of the enclosed characters. Characters that are separated by a hyphen (-) match any character that is lexically between the range of characters and includes the characters specified.

For example, [ab] matches either a or b. [a-z] matches any lowercase character. In this case, only the strict ASCII characters are matched, but not extended variants of the characters such as those with accents.

To match all Unicode letters, the pattern would have to include a POSIX character class like the Perl 5 regex [[:lower]]. You can also include non-ASCII characters directly, for example, [eé] matches either e or é.