Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

<try> Step

The <try> step is used to specify typical error handling and cleanup logic for a block of steps. This step has no attributes. This step has a required <block> element, and two optional elements: <catch> and <finally>.

The <try> step has the following child elements:

The <try> step is executed as follows:

The <catch> element is used to suppress and recover from errors that are encountered in the <block> element. The <finally> element is used to unconditionally perform some cleanup, regardless of whether typical errors were encountered.

The <try> step either succeeds or fails as follows:

Failures in the <block> element are suppressed by the presence of a <catch> element.

<block> Element

The <block> element is a child element of the <try> step. This element specifies the primary steps that are executed by the <try> step. The <block> element contains one or more steps that are permitted within the scope of the block that contains the <try> step.

<catch> Element

The <catch> element is a child element of the <try> step. This element specifies the steps to execute if a typical error occurs while executing the steps of the <block> element. The <catch> element can contain any number of steps that are permitted within the scope of the block that contains the <try> step.

The <catch> element suppresses typical errors of the <block> element and defines typical error-recovery actions. When the <catch> element is empty, it only suppresses typical errors.

<finally> Element

A child element of the <try> step. <finally> specifies the steps to execute regardless of whether a typical error occurred earlier within the <try> or <catch> steps. An atypical error can be a plan abort or a plan timeout, in which case the steps of the <finally> element are skipped. <finally> can contain any number of steps that are permitted within the scope of the block that contains the <try> step.

The <finally> element is used primarily to specify cleanup steps that should always be run, regardless of an error. To run cleanup steps in response to an error, use the <catch> element instead.

Example 2–6 Using the <try> Step

In this example, the component installation consists of resource deployment followed by a restart. In this case, the component is considered to be installed after its resources are deployed, and a failure during restart should not affect its installed state. Typical errors can be suppressed during the restart as follows:

<installSteps blockName="default">
            <call blockName="restart"><thisComponent/></call>
        <catch/><!-- suppress all typical errors -->  

You can use <try> blocks to model intelligent auto-upgrades. Version 1.1 of a component has two different installation routines. One performs a fresh installation of the component. The other performs an upgrade installation if Version 1.0 of that component was previously installed. You can model this situation in a single installation block, as follows:

<installSteps blockName="default">
              <installedComponent name="foo" version="1.0"/>
          <!-- 1.0 installation exists, do upgrade -->
          <!-- 1.0 installation doesn't exist, do fresh installation -->

The <finally> block is most often used to clean up temporary resources. The following example creates a temporary file, processes it, and then removes it.

<control blockName="default">
        <var name="file" default="/tmp/file.txt"/>
    <execNative outputFile=":[file]">
        <exec cmd="ls"><arg value="-l"/></exec>
            <!-- process file in some way -->
                <exec cmd="rm"><arg value=":[file]"/></exec>