Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plug-in Development Guide

Overview of the Solution Development Environment

You can use the provisioning system to build system configuration, service provisioning, and application deployment solutions. At a very high level, you follow this simple process:

  1. Build a set of components. This step might involve any of the following sub-tasks:

    1. Defining application-specific component types

    2. Naming each component

    3. Assigning a component type to each component

    4. Identifying any source files and directories that a component needs

    5. Defining specific tasks for that component

  2. Create a plan to direct the deployment of the components. Each plan includes the following information:

    1. A list of components

    2. A sequence in which the components are to run

    3. A list of any variables that the components need

    4. A set of target hosts to which the components should be deployed

  3. Create a plug-in that enables others to use the components and plans that you developed for a given platform or application. This task involves four main sub-tasks:

    1. Installing the core plug-in development files

    2. Using the XML plug-in definition schema to provide an interface for the users

    3. Using the Java-based APIs to provide component browsers and exporters, and to define custom execJava steps.

      Note –

      If you need to use Java to develop your plug-in, use the NetBeans product. For more information, see

    4. Packaging the components, plans, resources, plug-in definition files, and APIs for delivery to other N1 SPS users