Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plug-in Development Guide

Using Native Commands in Plans and Components (<execNative> Step)

The <execNative> XML step enables you to run native commands from within your plans and components. For example, if you need to verify that a process has started, you might use <execNative> to call the UNIX ps command. For more information about the <execNative> schema, attributes, and child elements, see <execNative> Step in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide.

Before <execNative> executes the specified command, the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software verifies that the command exists and that the specified user has permission to run the command. If either of these checks fail, <execNative> exits with an error.

Example 2–6 Using <execNative> to Invoke a Simple Command

The following <execNative> example performs the equivalent of the UNIX ps -ef command.

    <exec cmd="ps">
        <arg value="-ef" />

Example 2–7 Using <execNative> to Start an Application

The following <execNative> example starts a web server instance.

  dir="/opt/ns/https-admserv"                Set working directory
  userToRunAs="webadmin"                     Equates to "su -webadmin"
    <inputText>                             Input parameters to command
    <exec cmd="sh />                         Command to run
    <successCriteria status="0" />           execNative succeeds only if exit code is "0"