Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plug-in Development Guide

Error Handling

The XML schemas provides a set of elements for handling possible errors . The parent of this set of elements is the <try> element. You might use these elements for situations similar to the following examples:

The <try> element includes a block of steps that are executed in order until either all complete successfully or a step fails. If a step fails and a <catch> element exists, then the steps in the <catch> element are executed in order until they succeed or a step fails. If a <finally> element is defined, the steps in the <finally> element are executed in order until all steps complete or a step fails regardless of whether the <try> and <catch> elements succeeded. Typically, the <finally> element is used to perform clean-up functions or release resources.

The <raise> element is used to indicate a failure condition without having to create a step to do so. The <raise> step always fails. Although the <raise> element can be used by itself, it is often contained within a <catch> element block.

Example 2–11 XML for <try> Element

The following XML example uses the <try> element to determine whether a fresh install or an upgrade install should be performed.

<installSteps blockName="default">
                <installedComponent name="foo" version="1.0" />