Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plug-in Development Guide

Plug-In Directory Structure

As you develop your solution using the plug-in framework, you need to pay attention to where files are placed. Having an accurate record of the files is essential when you package your solution into a JAR file. The following list illustrates a recommended directory structure for plug-ins:

META-INF directory

Contains the mainfest of pieces of the plug-in.

components directory

Contains a series of subdirectories that contain component and component type XML definition files. Subdirectories follow the structure of the plug-in name. For example, if the plug-in name is com.sun.solaris, the components subdirectories would be com, then sun then solaris. For example, the actual component XML files would live inside the components/com/sun/solaris directory.

Note –

You might want to wrap the components, plans, and resources directories into a larger directory structure for a given plug-in version. For example, to differentiate between versions 1.0 and 1.1 of a given plug-in, you might use directory structures such as 1.0/components/com/sun/solaris/Project.xml and 1.1/components/com/sun/solaris/Project.xml

plans directory

Contains a series of subdirectories that contain execution plan XML definition files. Subdirectories follow the structure of the plug-in name. For example, if the plug-in name is com.sun.solaris, the plans subdirectories would be com, then sun then solaris. For example, the actual execution plan XML files would live inside the plans/com/sun/solaris directory.

resources directory

Contains a series of subdirectories that contain resource files. Subdirectories follow the structure of the plug-in name. For example, if the plug-in name is com.sun.solaris, the resource subdirectories would be com, then sun then solaris. For example, the actual resource files would live inside the resources/com/sun/solaris directory.

gui directory

Contains the user interface descriptor file (pluginUI.xml) and files for any icons that need to be displayed in the user interface. See Chapter 7, Plug-In User Interface Schema, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide for more information about the elements in the user interface descriptor file.

plugin-descriptor.xml file

XML file that describes the plug-in. See Chapter 6, Plug-In Description Schema, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guidefor more information about the elements in the plug-in descriptor file.

readme.txt file

Text file that contains any instructions on configuring the system for the plug-in.