Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plug-in Development Guide

Installing the Plug-In Development Environment

Most of the pieces that you need to create a plug-in solution are part of the standard Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software. However, you must install a few additional software ingredients to provide you with a complete development solution. These key pieces are contained in the plugin-core.jar file on the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Supplement CD.

Note –

Once you place the plugin-core.jar file where you want, be sure to modify the classpath for your Java tools to find the file.

The plugin-core.jar contains three packages that provide file system-based component browse and export classes:


Includes several constants that identify supported platforms


Includes five classes that you can use to support file system-based browsing functionality:

  • FileDisplay – A display appropriate for file system files

  • FilesystemBrowser – A hierarchy browser for files ystems

  • FilesystemBrowserFactory – Factory to return types sufficient for browsing a file system as a hierarchy

  • FilesystemExtensionFilter – A FilesystemFilter that filters based on the file extension suffix

  • FilesystemFilter – Base class for all file system filters


Provides one class FilesystemExporter that you can use to export a simple filesystem object