Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes

Patch Installation Instructions For Linux Systems

Before you install the Linux patch, make sure that you have backed up the files listed in Pre-Installation Considerations.

The installpatch installs a patch on a standalone Linux system. For example:

# ./installpatch

The postpatch script prints messages similar to the messages on a Solaris system. However, the procedure to back out a patch on a Linux system is different than on a Solaris system. There is no generic script to back out a Linux patch. If a lower version of the patch was previously installed, you can re-install that version and then follow the postpatch instructions to redeploy the Access Manager applications by running the amconfig script.

After you run the amconfig script, execute the script (patch 5 and later patches) to load the XML and LDIF files. The script is available after you install patch 11 in the patch-home-directory/120956-09/scripts directory.

After you run the amconfig and scripts, restart the Access Manager web container.

If the patch is installed on the Access Manager 7 2005Q4 RTM release and you want to remove the patch and restore the system to the RTM state, you must reinstall the Access Manager RTM bits using the reinstallRTM script. This script takes the path where the Access Manager RTM RPMs are stored and installs the RTM RPMs over the patched RPMs. For example:

# ./scripts/reinstallRTM path_of_AM7_RTM_RPM_directory

After you run the reinstallRTM script, redeploy the Access Manager applications by running the amconfig script and the restart the web container.

See also Post-Installation Considerations for more information.