Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Deployment Planning Guide

Only One Organization Description is Allowed in the Access Manager XML

The Access Manager organization is defined in amEntrySpecific.xml. Only one organization description is allowed in this file. As a result, when you customize directory entry properties, or create administration pages or search pages in the UI, your custom attributes apply globally to the entire Access Manager configuration. This Access Manager requirement may not meet the needs of some companies, especially hosting companies, that require different display attributes for each organization in the deployment.

In the following example, Edison-Watson is a hosting company that provides internet services to a number of companies. CompanyA wants to display fields for capturing a user’s name First Name, Surname, and Badge Number. CompanyB wants to display fields for capturing a user’s First Name, Last Name, and Employee Number.

Organization for a hosting company that provides internet service
to two other companies

The organization description is defined at the root level (o=EdisonWatson), and not at the organization level. By default, the UI for both CompanyA and CompanyB must be identical. Also, all services globally define attributes to be of the subschema type user. So if CompanyA has attributes for its users in the auxiliary class CompanyA-user, and CompanyB has attributes in CompanyB-user then CompanyB’s attributes will be overridden and will not be displayed.

As a workaround, you can modify the ACIs to work for user display. However, this workaround will not address the attributes in Search and Create windows.