Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Deployment Planning Guide

Running the amsfoconfig Script

To run the amsfoconfig script to configure Access Manager for session failover, follow these steps.

  1. Log in as or become superuser (root).

  2. Set the variables in the amsfo.conf file, as described in Table 6–3.

  3. Run the script. For example, on a Solaris system with Access Manager installed in the default directory:

    # cd /opt/SUNWam/bin 
    # ./amsfoconfig

    The script displays status information as it runs.

  4. When the amsfoconfig script prompts you, enter the following passwords:

    • Access Manager administrator (amAdmin) password

    • Message Queue broker user password

  5. To check the results, see the /var/tmp/amsfoconfig.log file.

The following table describes the variables in the amsfo.conf file that are used by the amsfoconfig script. Set these variables as needed for your deployment before you run the amsfoconfig script.

Table 6–3 Variables in the amsfo.conf File Used by the amsfoconfig Script




Message Queue broker list participating in the cluster. The format is:  


For example:,,

There is no default.  


Port for the load balancer. The default is 80.  


Protocol (http or https) used to access the load balancer. The default is http.


Name of the load balancer.  

For example:


Identifier for the new site (and the load balancer) that the amsfoconfig script will create.

SiteID can be any value greater than the Server IDs that already exist in the platform server list.

The default is 10.