Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Performance Tuning Guide

ProcedureTo Run a Tuning Script

This section describes the basic steps to run an Access Manager Tuning script.

  1. Log in as or become superuser.

  2. If you have not run the scripts in REVIEW mode, ensure that AMTUNE_MODE is set to REVIEW (default value) in the amtune-env file.

  3. Edit other parameters in the amtune-env file, depending on the components you want to tune:

    To tune the Directory Server that supports Access Manager, see Chapter 3, Directory Server Tuning.

  4. In REVIEW mode, run either the amtune script or one of the component scripts.

  5. Review the tuning recommendations in the debug log file. If needed, make changes to the amtune-env file based on this run.

  6. If you are satisfied with the tuning recommendations from the REVIEW mode run, set AMTUNE_MODE to CHANGE in the amtune-env file.

  7. In CHANGE mode, run either the amtune script or one of the component scripts. For example, to tune the Solaris OS, run amtune-os, as follows:

    # ./amtune-os admin_password dirmanager_password
  8. Check the debug log file for the results of the run.

    Note –

    In CHANGE mode, the amtune script might need to restart the Web container and Access Manager. In some instances, amtune might also recommend a system restart.