Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Creating a Module Properties File

Create a Module properties XML file with the same name of the class (no package name) and use the extension .xml. You must create an XML file with this naming convention even if no states required

Based on this configuration file, the Authentication user interface will dynamically generate a login page.

You can define page states in the module properties file as shown in Creating a Module Properties File. Each callback element corresponds to one login page state. When an authentication process is invoked, Callback[] values will be generated from the user’s Login Module for each state. All login state definitions start with 1. The module controls the login process, and then determines what the next state is.

Auth_Module_Properties.dtd defines the data structure that will be used by each authentication module to specify its properties. Auth_Module_Properties.dtd provides definitions to initiate, construct and send required callbacks information to the Authentication graphical user interface. Auth_Module_Properties.dtd is stored in the <PRODUCT_DIR>/dtd directory.

Example 5–7 Module Configuration Sample

<ModuleProperties moduleName="LoginModuleSample" version="1.0" >
         <Callbacks length="2" order="1" timeout="60" 
							header="This is a sample login page">
             <Prompt> User Name </Prompt>
             <Prompt> Last Name </Prompt>
         <Callbacks length="1" order="2" timeout="60" 
							header="You made it to page 2" >
             <PasswordCallback echoPassword="false" >
             <Prompt> Just enter any password </Prompt>
Module Configuration Sample

In this module configuration sample, page state one has two callbacks. The first callback is for user ID, and second is for Last Name. When the user fills in the callbacks, the following events occur: