Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

ProcedureEnabling Client Detection

By default, the client detection capability is disabled; this then assumes the client to be of the genericHTML type (For example Access Manager will be accessed from a HTML browser). The preferred way to enable the Client Detection Service is to use the Access Manager console and select the option in the Client Detection Service itself. For more information, see the Administration Guide. To enable client detection using the amClientDetection.xml, the iplanet-am-client-detection-enabled attribute must be set to true. amClientDetection.xml must then be deleted from Directory Server and reloaded using amAdmin. The following procedure illustrates the complete enabling process.

  1. Import client data XML file using the amadmin command /AccessManager-base amadmin_DN -w amadmin_password -t name_of_XML_file

    This step is only necessary if the client data is not already defined in amClientData.xml.

  2. Restart Access Manager.

  3. Login to Access Manager console.

  4. Go to Service Configuration and click ClientDetectionproperties.

  5. Enable Client Detection.

  6. Make sure the imported data can be viewed with Access Manager console.

    Click on the Edit button next to the Client Data attribute.

  7. Create a directory for new client type and add customized JSPs.

    Create a new directory in /AccessManager-base/SUNWam/web-src/services/config/auth/default/ and add JSPs for the new client type. Client Detection Process is a login page written for a WML browser.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Copyright Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved -->
    <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="max-age=0"/>
     <card id="authmenu" title="Username">
    <do type="accept" label="Enter">
    <go method="get" href="/wireless">
    <postfield name="TOKEN0" value="$username"/>
    <postfield name="TOKEN1" value="$password"/>
    Enter username:
    <input type="text" name="password"/>
    Enter password:
    <input type="text" name="username"/>