Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 C API Reference


Retrieves values from the properties map.


#include "am_properties.h"
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_properties_get_with_default(am_properties_t properties,
                  const char *key, const char *default_value,
                  const char **value_ptr);


This function takes the following parameters:


The am_properties_t instance from which the keys value needs to be extracted. key The key whose value will be returned.


The value to be returned in case of any error condition. value_ptr The value pointer to which the value will be assigned to. This is an output parameter. Returns Return values may be ignored.


This function checks if the key is present is the properties instance. If the key is not present, the function returns the default value passed in. Otherwise it returns the value of the key.

Memory Concerns: Caller must not modify the value_ptr structure or free the memory.