Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure General Attributes for a Provider Entity

Before performing this procedure, you must have completed the steps in To Configure a Provider Entity.

  1. Choose General from the View menu, and provide information for the Entity Common Attributes.

    Entity Common Attributes contain values that define the entity itself.

    Entity Name

    The static value of this attribute is the name that you provided when creating the entity.


    The static value of this attribute is Provider.


    The value of this optional attribute is the description that you provided when creating the entity. You can modify the description.

    Valid Until

    Type the expiration date for the entity metadata. Use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.SZ. For example, 2004-12-31T14:30:00.0Z.

    Cache Duration

    Type the maximum amount of time that the entity metadata can be cached. Use the format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where n is an integer variable. For example, P1Y2M4DT9H8M20S defines the cache duration as 1 year, 2 months, 4 days, 9 hours, 8 minutes, and 20 seconds.

  2. Provide information for the Entity Contact Person Profile attributes.

    Entity Contact Person Profile attributes contain values that define the administrator of the entity.

    First Name

    Type the given name of the entity’s contact person.

    Last Name

    Type the surname of the entity’s contact person.


    Choose the type of contact from the drop-down menu:

    • Administrative

    • Billing

    • Technical

    • Other


    Type the name of the company that employs this person.

    Liberty Principal ID

    Type a URI that points to an online instance of the contact person’s personal information profile.


    Type one or more email addresses for the contact person.

    Telephone Numbers

    Type one or more telephone numbers for the contact person.

  3. (Optional) Provide information for the Organization Profiles.

    The Organization Profiles attributes contain values that define the organizational name of the entity.


    Type the complete legal name of the entity’s organization. Use the format locale|organization-name. For example, en|

    Note –

    If the Names attribute contains a value, it is required to add values to the Display Names and URL attributes.

    Display Names

    Type a name that is suitable for display. Use the format locale|organization-display-name. For example, en|


    Type a URL that can be used to direct a principal to additional information on the entity's organization. Use the format locale|organization-URL. For example, en|

  4. Click Save to complete the configuration, or define values for Identity Provider or Service Provider attributes by choosing from the View menu: