Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

PAOS Binding API

The Access Manager implementation of PAOS binding includes a Java package named This package provides classes to parse a PAOS header, make a PAOS request, and receive a PAOS response.

Note –

This API is used by PAOS clients on the HTTP server side. An API for PAOS servers on the HTTP client side would be developed by the manufacturers of the HTTP client side products, for example, cell phone manufacturers.

The following table describes the available classes in For more detailed API documentation, see the Java API Reference in /AccessManager-base/SUNWam/docs or on

Table 10–8 PAOS Binding Classes




Used by a web application on the HTTP server side to parse a PAOS header in an HTTP request from the user agent side. 


Used by a web application on the HTTP server side to construct a PAOS request message and send it via an HTTP response to the user agent side. 

Note –

PAOSRequest is made available in PAOSResponse to provide correlation, if needed, by API users.


Used by a web application on the HTTP server side to receive and parse a PAOS response using an HTTP request from the user agent side. 


Represents an error occurring while processing a SOAP request and response. 

For more information, including methods and their syntax and parameters, see the Java API Reference in /AccessManager-base/SUNWam/docs or on