Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure a Site Identifier

You may also edit or duplicate entries already listed.

  1. In the Access Manager Console, click the Federation tab.

  2. Under Federation, click the SAML tab.

  3. Select New under the Site Identifiers attribute.

  4. Enter values for the following attributes:

    Instance ID

    The value of this property is protocol://host:port.

    Site ID

    This identifier is generated for each site, although the value will be the same for multiple servers behind a load balancer. To obtain this identifier manually, type the following at the command line:

    % #java -classpath AM-classpath \ com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLSiteID \protocol://host:port

    For more information, see com.sun.identity.saml.common Package.

    Issuer Name

    The value of this property is host:port.

  5. Click OK.