Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

Federation API

The com.sun.liberty package provides the interface that forms the basis of the Federation API. It contains the LibertyManager class which must be instantiated by web applications that want to access the Federation component. It also contains the methods needed for account federation, session termination, log in, log out and other actions. Some of these methods are described in the following table. For more detailed information, see the Java API Reference in /AccessManager-base/SUNWam/docs or on

Table 3–3 Federation API Methods



getFederatedProviders(String userName)

Returns a specific user’s federated providers. 

getIDPFederationStatus(String user, String provider)

Retrieves a user’s federation status with a specified identity provider. This method assumes that the user is already federated with the provider. 


Returns a list of all trusted identity providers. 

getIDPList(java.lang.String hostedProviderID)

Returns a list of all trusted identity providers for the specified hosted provider. 

getProvidersToFederate(java.lang.String providerID, java.lang.String userName)

Returns a list of all trusted identity providers to which the specified user is not already federated. 


Returns a list of all trusted service providers. 

getSPList(java.lang.String hostedProviderID)

Returns a list of all trusted service providers for the specified hosted provider. 

getSPFederationStatus(java.lang.String user, java.lang.String provider)

Retrieves a user’s federation status with a specified service provider. This method assumes that the user is already federated with the provider.