Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

How This Book Is Organized

The Federation and SAML Administration Guide contains instructional and conceptual material regarding the Access Manager features based on the Liberty Alliance Project and SAML specifications. The book is organized into the chapters described in the following table.

Table P–1 Chapters in Federation and SAML Administration Guide



Chapter 1, Introduction to the Liberty Alliance Project

An overview of the specifications developed by the Liberty Alliance Project. 

Chapter 2, Implementation of the Liberty Alliance Project Specifications

Contains conceptual material regarding the implementation of the Liberty Alliance Project specifications in Access Manager and its architecture. 

Chapter 3, Federation

Provides administrative information regarding setting up entities and authentication domains as well as information on extended federation capabilities. 

Chapter 4, Common Domain Services

Provides information regarding the installation and deployment of the Common Domain Services. 

Chapter 5, Authentication Web Service

Provides information regarding the deployment of the Authentication Web Service. 

Chapter 6, Data Services

Provides information regarding data services in general and the Liberty Personal Profile Service and Liberty Employee Profile Service in particular. 

Chapter 7, Discovery Service

Provides information regarding the administration and deployment of the Discovery Service. 

Chapter 8, SOAP Binding Service

Provides information regarding the administration and deployment of the SOAP Binding Service. 

Chapter 9, SAML Administration

Provides information regarding the implementation of SAML in Access Manager functions. 

Chapter 10, Application Programming Interfaces

Provides information regarding the API developed for Access Manager that are based on the Liberty Alliance Project specifications. 

Appendix A, Access Manager Samples

An appendix that provides information on the samples developed for Access Manager and based on the Liberty Alliance Project specifications. 

Appendix B, Service Schema Files

An appendix that contains the XML Schema Definition (XSD) files developed by the Liberty Alliance Project. The XSD files specify the information its corresponding service can host by defining the data and data structure.