Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX

Requirements and Sequence Issues

Directory Server has no dependencies on other Java ES components. However, because Administration Server provides a graphical interface for Directory Server, you might also want to select Administration Server.

Note –

If you are using replication for encryption for Directory Server, you should select Administration Server at component selection.

ProcedureTo Develop a Sequence for Directory Server

The following high-level tasks are required:

  1. Running the Java ES installer

  2. At component selection, selecting Directory Server and (optionally) Administration Server

    The Directory Preparation Tool is automatically selected.

  3. Resolving incompatibilities

    The installer verifies software on your host and provides guidance if incompatibilities are identified.

  4. Verifying installation directories

  5. Selecting the Configure Now or Configure Later option

    1. For the Configure Now option, configuration pages are displayed for the local components that can be configured during installation.

      Gather your configuration information from the tables in Chapter 1, Configuration Information, in Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference.

    2. For the Configure Later option, configuration pages are not displayed.

  6. Running the installation

  7. Viewing the Installation Summary and Log

  8. Completing post-install configuration

  9. Starting the components in this order:

    1. Starting and Stopping Directory Server

    2. (Optional) Starting and Stopping Administration Server and the Server Console

      The following table contains additional Directory Server information.


      Relevant Information 

      Configuration information for the installer 

      Directory Server Configuration Information in Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference

      Postinstallation configuration 

      Directory Server Postinstallation Configuration

      Starting and stopping 

      Starting and Stopping Directory Server


      Directory Server Uninstallation Behavior


      Directory Server Troubleshooting Tips


      Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Upgrade Guide