Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Configuring Calendar Server

This section contains procedures for customizing server-side configuration by editing the ics.conf file, and contains the following topics:

ProcedureTo Configure Server Behavior

The calendar store is configured by default as shown in The following table. If you wish to reconfigure the store, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWics5/cal/config directory.

  3. Save your old ics.conf file by copying and renaming it.

  4. Edit one or more of the parameters in the following table:


    Description and Default Value 


    Specifies whether Calendar Server should convert a calendar ID (calid) to lowercase when creating a new calendar or when looking up a calendar using the LDAP CLD plug-in. The default is “no”.


    Time zone ID to be used when importing files, and no other time zone ID's can be found for any of the following: an event, a calendar, a user. 

    The default is "America/New_York”

    An invalid value causes the server to use the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone. 


    Specifies whether Calendar Server filters (recognizes) Private and Confidential (Time-and-Date-Only) events and tasks.If "no", Calendar Server treats them the same as Public events and tasks. The default is “yes”.

    Maximum number of attendees allowed in an LDAP group when expanding an event. Value of "0" (the default value) means to expand the group entirely.


    Maximum number of events that can be created by a recurrence expansion. The default is “60”.


    Maximum number of results returned from LDAP lookup from user search. Value of "0" means no limit. The default is “200”.


    Specifies how Calendar Server treats strings, such as jdoe or jdoe:tv, when performing a directory lookup for attendees of an event. Allowable values are: uid, cn, gid, res, mailto, cap. The default is “uid”.


    Specifies how Calendar Server treats strings with an at sign (@), such as, when performing a directory lookup for attendees of an event. Allowable values are: uid, cn, gid, res, mailto, cap. The default is “mailto”.


    Specifies how Calendar Server treats strings with a space, such as john doe, when performing a directory lookup for attendees of an event. Allowable values are: uid, cn, gid, res, cap. The default is “cn”.


    If "yes", the server must validate that each owner of a calendar exists in the directory (through LDAP or a CSAPI compatible user directory mechanism). The default is “no”.


    If the requested calendar can’t be found in the local calendar database, alternately, a URL found in this parameter can be used to redirect the search to another database. This is specifically used for scripts created when migrating between two databases and both are still being used. Then the get_freebusy.wcap command can be used to specify whether to look in the other database. See the get_freebusy command description in the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Developer’s Guide.


    Location of primary disk partition where calendar information is stored. The default is “/var/opt/SUNWics5/csdb”.

  5. Save the file as ics.conf.

  6. Restart Calendar Server.


ProcedureTo Configure Calendar Logging

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWics5/cal/config directory.

  3. Save your old ics.conf file by copying and renaming it.

  4. Edit one or more of the parameters shown in the following table:


    Description and Default Value  


    This log file contains history of the administrative tool commands issued. The default is "admin.log".


    Size in bytes for log buffers. The default is "0". Specify the size of each entry in the log files. If your buffers fill up too fast, consider making them larger.


    Name of the log file for logging Database Wire Protocol related administrative tools. The default is "dwp.log". Specify one per front-end server.


    Number of seconds before the log files expire. The default is "604800". After this time, a cleanup routine will purge the log. If you want to archive the log, you must write your own routine.


    Number of seconds between the flushing of buffers to log files. the default is "60".

    If your system experiences a high volume of log information and your buffers fill up before 60 seconds, you will lose information. In that case consider decreasing this time interval. Note that decreasing the time interval increases system overhead. 


    Name of the current log file for the cshttpd service. The default is "http.log".


    Name of the current HTTP access log file. 


    Directory location of the log files. The default is "/var/opt/SUNWics5/logs".


    Determines the level of detail the server will log. Each log entry is assigned one of these levels (starting with the most severe): CRITICAL, ALERT, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFORMATION, and DEBUG. The default is “NOTICE”.

    If you set to CRITICAL, Calendar Server logs the least amount of detail. If you want the server to log the most amount of detail, specify DEBUG.

    Each succeeding log level also gives you all the more severe log levels before it. For example, if set to WARNING, only CRITICAL, ERROR, and WARNING level log entries are logged. If set to DEBUG, all levels are logged.


    Maximum number of log files in the log directory. The default is "10". Before the system tries to create the 11th log, it runs the clean up routine to purge old log files.


    Maximum disk space in bytes for all log files. The default is "2097152". When creating the next log file will violate this limit, the system tries to free disk space by deleting the oldest logs.


    Minimum free disk space (in bytes) that must be available for logging. When this value is reached, Calendar Server attempts to free disk space by expiring old log files. Logging is paused if space cannot be freed up. The default is "5242880".


    Name of the log file for the csnotifyd service. The default is "notify.log".


    Number of seconds before the log files are rotated. That is, the time interval between creation opening of new log files. The default is "86400".

    Name of the log file for the calendar store. The default is "store.log".

  5. Save the file as ics.conf.

  6. Restart Calendar Server.


See Also

To configure transaction logging for the calendar database, see Chapter 10, Configuring Automatic Backups (csstored).

You do not have to configure the delete log (for deleted events and tasks). See Chapter 18, Administering the Delete Log Database.

ProcedureTo Configure WCAP Commands

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWics5/cal/config directory.

  3. Save your old ics.conf file by copying and renaming it.

  4. Edit one or more of the following ics.conf parameters as shown in following table:


    Description and Default Value 


    Specifies the default output format for commands. The default is “text/calendar”. (text/js is supported for backward compatibility.)

    If you are using the Connector for Microsoft Outlook, you must use text/calendar.


    WCAP version. 

  5. Save the file as ics.conf.

  6. Restart Calendar Server.
