Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Calendar Lookup Database Configuration

The following table shows the Calendar Lookup Database (CLD) parameters with each parameter’s default value and description.

Table E–9 Calendar Lookup Database (CLD) Parameters in the ics.conf File


Default Value  




Enable ("y") or disable ("n") calendar lookup plug-ins.


Specifies the name of a specific calendar lookup plug-in to load. If this value is an asterisk ("*"), Calendar Server loads all plug-ins.



Specifies the type of CLD plug-in to use: 

"local" specifies that all calendars are stored on the local server where Calendar Server is running and no plug-in is loaded.

"directory" specifies the LDAP CLD plug-in, which uses a calendar owner’s icsDWPHost LDAP attribute to determine the server where a specified calendar is stored.


" "

Specifies the fully qualified default DWP server name used by Calendar Server if a user or resource calendar entry in the LDAP server database does not have an icsDWPHost attribute. 

If a user who logs into Calendar Server through Communications Express, or using WCAP commands, does not have an icsDWPHost attribute, Calendar Server uses this parameter to auto-provision the attribute.

If a user already has an icsDWPHost attribute, caldb.dwp.server.default is not used.

This name must be resolvable by your Domain Name Service (DNS) into a valid IP address. 



Enables ("yes") or disables ("no") the Calendar Lookup Database (CLD) cache option. For optimum performance for the LDAP CLD plug-in, set to "yes".



Specifies the maximum size in megabytes of the checkpoint file. 



Specifies the size in megabytes of shared memory. 



Specifies the maximum number of database threads. 



Specifies the location of database event, task, and alarm files for the CLD cache option. The default value of "." specifies that these files are stored in the /var/opt/SUNWics5/csdb/cld_cache directory.



Specifies the number of seconds between checkpoints. 



Specifies whether to remove the checkpoint files after they are synchronized for the CLD cache option.

" "

Specifies the host name of a server that is storing a calendar database. The server must be running the DWP (csdwpd) service. This name must be resolvable by your Domain Name Service (DNS) into a valid IP address. This parameter is used by the LDAP CLD plug-in. 

Note: In each part of the parameter, host-name must be identical and fully qualified. For example:""



Maximum number of backlogged requests before the server obtains a new network connection. 



Initial number of connections for the Database Wire Protocol service client to make to each Database Wire Protocol service host. 



Initial number of threads for handling Database Wire Protocol service requests. 



Maximum number of connections allowed to a server using the Database Wire Protocol service. 



Maximum number of threads allowed to a server using the Database Wire Protocol service. 



Specifies if the server performs MD5 (Message Digest 5) one-way hash checking of all Database Wire Protocol service requests. (One-way hash functions are used to create digital signatures for message authentication.) 

  • "n" disables MD5 hash checking.

  • "y" enables MD5 hash checking.


" "

Specifies the IP address of the server using the Database Wire Protocol (DWP) service at the specified machine’s hostname. 



Specifies the port number of the server using the Database Wire Protocol (DWP) service at the specified machine’s hostname. 


" "

On a front-end server, specifies the user ID that is used for authentication for a DWP connection to a back-end server, where back-end-server is the name of the server. 


" "

On a front-end server, specifies the password that is used for authentication for a DWP connection to a back-end server, where back-end-server is the name of the server.



Stack size for Database Wire Protocol service threads.


Base DN to authenticate against if LDAP plug-in is used for the calendar locate mechanism.


Host name of the LDAP server to access if an LDAP plug-in is used for the calendar locate mechanism.


Bind credentials (password) for the user specified in the setting local.authldapbinddn if an LDAP plug-in is used for the calendar locate mechanism.


DN used to bind to for authentication to search for user's DN if an LDAP plug-in is used for the calendar locate mechanism.


Port number of the LDAP server to access if an LDAP plug-in is used for the calendar locate mechanism. 



If "y", load only the plug-in specified in or if not specified, load all authentication class plug-ins in alphabetical order. For authentication, use each of these plug-ins in alphabetical order.

" " 

If csapi.plugin.loadall is "n" and csapi.plugin.authentication is "y", only load this specific plug-in. If not specified or blank (" "), load all authentication class plug-ins. 



Size of Database Wire Protocol service log buffers (in bytes). 



Number of seconds before the Database Wire Protocol service log files expire. 



Number of seconds between flushing buffers to the Database Wire Protocol service log files. 



Directory location of the Database Wire Protocol service log files. 



Determines the level of detail the server will log for the Database Wire Protocol service. Each Database Wire Protocol log entry is assigned one of the following levels (starting with the most severe): Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, and Debug. If you set this preference to Critical, the server will log the least amount of detail. If you want the server to log the most amount of detail, specify Debug. For example, if you specify Warning, only Critical, Error, and Warning level log entries are logged. 



Maximum number of Database Wire Protocol related log files in log directory. 



Maximum size of each Database Wire Protocol log file (in bytes). 



Maximum disk space for all Database Wire Protocol log files (in bytes). 



Minimum free disk space that must be available for logging Database Wire Protocol service activity (in bytes). When this value is reached, the server will attempt to free disk space by expiring old log files. All logging will be paused if no space can be freed up. 



Number of seconds before Database Wire Protocol service log files are rotated. 


" " 

On a back-end server, specifies the user ID that is used to authenticate a DWP connection. This parameter is optional. If a back-end server does not specify a user ID, no authentication is performed. 


" " 

On a back-end server, specifies the password that is used to authenticate a DWP connection. This parameter is optional. If a back-end server does not specify a password, no authentication is performed. 



The hostname of the machine on which the Database Wire Protocol service is running. 



Maximum number of concurrently running Database Wire Protocol service threads. 



Maximum number of concurrently running Database Wire Protocol (DWP) service (csdwpd) processes that should run on a server.

For a server that has multiple CPUs, see Using Load Balancing Across Multiple CPU's



If "yes", start the csdwpd service when starting all services and stop csdwpd when stopping all services



Amount of time (in seconds) before closing the Database Wire Protocol service persistent connections that are idle. 



Port number that the Database Wire Protocol service listens to. This value is the default port for the LDAP CLD plug-in. 



Enable ("yes") or disable ("no") LDAP for remote user authentication for the Database Wire Protocol (csdwpd) service.



Specifies whether Calendar Server searches the LDAP directory and then the calendar database ("yes") or only the calendar database ("no").