Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Release Notes

Hardware and Software Requirements

This section lists the requirements that must be met before installing the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 product.

Platform Requirements

The following table lists the operating systems that are supported for Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 product. Additionally, the minimum and recommended memory requirements are identified for installing and running the Application Server.

Table 2–1 Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 2005Q2 Platform Requirements

Operating System 

Minimum Memory 

Recommended Memory 

Minimum Disk Space 

Recommended Disk Space 


Sun Solaris 8, 9, 10 (SPARC) 

Solaris 9, 10 (x86) 

512 MB 

1 GB 

250 MB free 

500 MB free 

J2SE 1.4.2_06, J2SE 5.0 

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 2, 3.0 Update 1 

512 MB 

1 GB 

220 MB free 

300 MB free 

J2SE 1.4.2_06, J2SE 5.0 

Windows Server 2000 SP4+ 

Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4+ 

Windows Server 2003 

Windows XP Pro SP1+ 

1 GB 

2 GB 

500 MB free 

1 GB free 

J2SE 1.4.2_06, J2SE 5.0 

On UNIX, you can check your operating system version using the uname command. Disk space can be checked using the df command.

System Virtualization Support

System virtualization is a technology that enables multiple operating system (OS) instances to execute independently on shared hardware. Functionally, software deployed to an OS hosted in a virtualized environment is generally unaware that the underlying platform has been virtualized. Sun performs testing of its Sun Java System products on select system virtualization and OS combinations to help validate that the Sun Java System products continue to function on properly sized and configured virtualized environments as they do on non-virtualized systems. For information about Sun support for Sun Java System products in virtualized environments, see System Virtualization Support in Sun Java System Products.

Important Patch Information

For the current list of required patches for Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 go to and search for “app server 8.1 patch.” Follow the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 links. As operating system patch requirements change and patches to Java Enterprise System components become available, updates will be made available on SunSolve, initially in the form of recommended patch clusters.

Solaris Patch Requirements

It is recommended that Solaris 9, 10 (x86, SPARC) users have the “Sun recommended patch cluster” installed. This patch cluster is available under Recommended and Security Patches on SunSolve.

RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0 Additional Package Requirements

To run native components of this product, including installer, the following package, which is not part of the standard RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0 distribution, should be installed: compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm

The package can be downloaded from

JDBC Drivers and Databases

The Sun Java System Application Server is designed to support connectivity to any DBMS with a corresponding JDBC driver. For a list of components that Sun has tested and found to be acceptable for constructing J2EE compatible database configurations, please refer to the following table.

Table 2–2 J2EE-Compatible JDBC Drivers

JDBC Vendor 

JDBC Driver Type 

Supported Database Server 

i-net Software 

Type 4 

Oracle (R) 8.1.7, 9i, 

Sybase ASE 12.5.2 

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 4.0 Service Pack 1 


Type 2 

IBM DB2 8.1 Service Pack 3+ 


Type 4 

PointBase Network Server 4.8 


Type 4 

Oracle (R) 8.1.7, 9i, 

Sybase ASE 12.5.2 

Microsoft SQL Server 

IBM DB2 8.1 Service Pack 3+ 

Sun Java System JDBC Driver for Oracle 

Type 4 

Oracle (R), 10G 

Sun Java System JDBC Driver for DB2 

Type 4 

IBM DB2 8.1 Service Pack 3+ 

Sun Java System JDBC Driver for Sybase 

Type 4 

Sybase ASE 12.5.2 

Sun Java System JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server 

Type 4 

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 4.0 Service Pack 1 


Type 4, Type 2 

Oracle (R), 10G 

For more information about i-net Software, see

For more information about DataDirect Technologies, see

Configuring Oracle

Oracle JDBC drivers must be configured properly to be compliant with J2EE 1.4. Use the following configuration for Type 2 and Type 4 drivers:

ProcedureTo configure Oracle

  1. Use the JDBC driver from or later.

  2. The Oracle database needs to have compatible= or higher in its parameter (init.ora) file.

  3. Use the ojdbc14.jar file.

  4. Configure the Application Server to define the following JVM property:


    In addition, for Type-2 drivers, both the ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables (which must include $ORACLE_HOME/lib) need to be defined in the environment in which the Application Server is started. For example, add them to the asenv.conf file and ensure they are exported.

Configuring PointBase

Many sample applications use the PointBase database server included with the Application Server. When using Application Server Enterprise Edition, you must configure the PointBase database server before using it.

There are two ways to configure PointBase:

  1. Using the command appropriate for your operating system and shell, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where J2SE is installed. For example: % setenv JAVA_HOME "/opt/SUNWappserver/jdk"

  2. Edit the Application Server's PointBase configuration file as follows:

    1. On Solaris and Linux systems, edit the install_dir/pointbase/tools/serveroption/pbenv.conf configuration file, changing the line:




    1. On Windows systems, edit the install_dir\pointbase\tools\serveroption\pbenv.bat configuration changing the line:




    Where J2SE_location is the directory where the J2SE is installed. If you installed J2SE with Application Server, it is installed by default to install_dir/jdk.

    After making this change, you can start PointBase using the startserver script.

Supported Web Servers

This section lists the web servers that are supported for the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2.

Table 2–3 Supported Web Servers

Web Server 


Operating System 

Sun Java System Web Server 

6.0, 6.1+ 

Solaris SPARC 8, 9, 10 

Solaris x86 9, 10

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 2, 3.0 Update 1 

Apache Web Server 

1.3+, 1.4, 2.0 

Solaris SPARC 9, 10 

Solaris x86 10

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 2, 3.0 Update 1 

Windows Server 2003 

Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4+ 

Windows Server 2000 SP4+ 

Windows XP Pro SP1+ 

Microsoft IISTM


Windows Server 2003 

Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4+ 

Windows Server 2000 SP4+ 

Windows XP Pro SP1+ 


This section lists the browsers that are supported with the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2.

Table 2–4 Supported Web Browsers




1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7.x

Netscape Navigator 

4.79, 6.2, 7.0 

Internet Explorer 

5.5 Service Pack 2, 6.0 

HADB Requirements and Supported Platforms

In addition to the requirements listed in Hardware and Software Requirements, verify that your system meets the requirements listed below for running HADB.

Note –

The Java components of the system have been built with JDK 1.4.2_02 and has been tested on JDK 1.5.

Supported Platforms

HADB Server Host Requirements

Note –

Make sure write caching is disabled on devices storing HADB data and log files. Write caching is enabled by default on some Solaris platforms; for example, Solaris x86.

HADB Management Host Requirements

HADB Client Host Requirements

Upgrading the Sun Java System Application Server

The in-place upgrade from any prior Application Server release is not supported. Refer to the Application Server Enterprise Edition Upgrade and Migration Guidefor complete instructions for upgrading from a previous version of the Application Server to the current version.

Switching to a Supported J2SE Version

If you want to use PointBase with the Application Server, download J2SE 1.4.2 and use it instead of the bundled J2SE 5.0 JVM. To do this perform the following steps:

ProcedureTo switch to J2SE 1.4.2

  1. Download the J2SE 1.4.2 SDK (not the JRE) from and install it on your system, if you have not already done so.

    The J2SE 1.4.2 SDK can be downloaded from

  2. Stop the Application Server.

    From the command line:

    install_dir/bin/asadmin stop-domain

    From the Administration Console:

    1. Click the Application Server node.

    2. Click Stop Instance.

  3. Edit the install_dir/config/asenv.conf file (asenv.bat on Windows), changing the value for AS_JAVA to point to the J2SE 1.4.2 home directory:

  4. Edit the as-install/samples/ file, changing the line beginning com.sun.aas.javaRoot... to reference the J2SE 1.4.2 home directory.

  5. Restart the Application Server.

    From the command line:

    install_dir/bin/asadmin start-domain

    From the Administration Console:

    1. Click the Application Server node.

    2. Click Start Instance.

Other Requirements

The following additional requirements should be met before installing the Sun Java System Application Server software.