Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Developer's Guide

Connecting to the DAS

The connection to the DAS is shown in the following code.

Example 16–1 Connecting to the DAS

public static AppserverConnectionSource
        final String host,
        final int port,
        final String user,
        final String password,
        final TLSParams tlsParams )
        throws IOException
            final String info = "host=" + host + ", port=" + port +
                ", user=" + user + ", password=" + password +
                ", tls=" + (tlsParams != null);

            SampleUtil.println( "Connecting...:" + info );

            final AppserverConnectionSource conn    =
                new AppserverConnectionSource(
                    host, port, user, password, tlsParams, null);

            conn.getJMXConnector( false );

            SampleUtil.println( "Connected: " + info );

            return( conn );

A connection to the DAS is obtained via an instance of the class. For the connection to be established, you must know the name of the host and port number on which the DAS is running, and have the correct user name, password and TLS parameters.

Once the connection to the DAS is established, DomainRoot is obtained as follows:

DomainRoot domainRoot = appserverConnectionSource.getDomainRoot();

This DomainRoot instance is a client-side dynamic proxy to the MBean amx:j2eeType=X-DomainRoot,name=amx.

See the API documentation for for further details about connecting to the DAS using the AppserverConnectionSource class.

However, if you prefer to work with standard JMX, instead of getting DomainRoot, you can get the MBeanServerConnection or JMXConnector, as shown:

MBeanServerConnection conn =
appserverConnectionSource.getMBeanServerConnection( false );
JMXConnector jmxConn =
appserverConnectionSource.getJMXConnector( false );