Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Developer's Guide


The following table describes properties for the manager-properties element.

Table A–65 manager-properties Properties






Specifies the number of seconds between checks for expired sessions. This is also the interval at which sessions are passivated if maxSessions is exceeded.

If persistenceFrequency is set to time-based, active sessions are stored at this interval.

To prevent data inconsistency, set this value lower than the frequency at which session data changes. For example, this value should be as low as possible (1 second) for a hit counter servlet on a frequently accessed web site, or the last few hits might be lost each time the server is restarted.

Applicable only if the persistence-type attribute of the parent session-manager element is file or ha.



Specifies the maximum number of sessions that are permitted in the cache, or -1 for no limit. After this, an attempt to create a new session causes an IllegalStateException to be thrown.

The session manager passivates sessions to the persistent store when this maximum is reached. 

Applicable only if the persistence-type attribute of the parent session-manager element is file or ha.


none; state is not preserved across restarts 

Specifies the absolute or relative path to the directory in which the session state is preserved between application restarts, if preserving the state is possible. A relative path is relative to the temporary directory for this web application. 

Applicable only if the persistence-type attribute of the parent session-manager element is memory.



Specifies how often the session state is stored. Allowed values are as follows: 

  • web-method - The session state is stored at the end of each web request prior to sending a response back to the client. This mode provides the best guarantee that the session state is fully updated in case of failure.

  • time-based - The session state is stored in the background at the frequency set by reapIntervalSeconds. This mode provides less of a guarantee that the session state is fully updated. However, it can provide a significant performance improvement because the state is not stored after each request.

    Applicable only if the persistence-type attribute of the parent session-manager element is ha.