Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration Reference


Properties of the connector-connection-pool element are the names of setter methods of the managedconnectionfactory-class element in the ra.xml file. Properties of this element override the ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean configuration settings.

The following table describes the connector-connection-pool properties of jmsra, the resource adapter used to communicate with the Sun Java System Message Queue software. For a complete list of the available properties (called administered object attributes in Sun Java System Message Queue), see the Message Queue administration material.

Table 1–32 connector-connection-pool Properties






Specifies a list of host/port combinations of the Sun Java System Message Queue. For JMS resources of the Type javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory or javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory.



Specifies the JMS Client Identifier to be associated with a Connection created using the createTopicConnection method of the TopicConnectionFactory class. For JMS resources of the Type javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory .

Durable subscription names are unique and only valid within the scope of a client identifier. To create or reactivate a durable subscriber, the connection must have a valid client identifier. The JMS specification ensures that client identifiers are unique and that a given client identifier is allowed to be used by only one active connection at a time. 



Specifies the user name for connecting to the Sun Java System Message Queue. For JMS resources of the Type javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory or javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory.



Specifies the password for connecting to the Sun Java System Message Queue. For JMS resources of the Type javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory or javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory.



Specifies the number of attempts to connect (or reconnect) for each address in the imqAddressList before the client runtime moves on to try the next address in the list. A value of -1 indicates that the number of reconnect attempts is unlimited (the client runtime attempts to connect to the first address until it succeeds).



Specifies the interval between reconnect attempts in milliseconds. This applies to attempts on each address in the imqAddressList and on successive addresses in the list. If too short, this time interval does not give a broker time to recover. If too long, the reconnect might represent an unacceptable delay.



If true, specifies that the client runtime attempts to reconnect to a message server (or the list of addresses in imqAddressList) when a connection is lost.



Specifies whether connection attempts are in the order of addresses in the imqAddressList attribute (priority) or in a random order (random). If many clients are attempting a connection using the same connection factory, use a random order to prevent them from all being connected to the same address.



Specifies the number of times the client runtime iterates through the imqAddressList in an effort to establish (or reestablish) a connection. A value of -1 indicates that the number of attempts is unlimited.

Note –

All JMS administered object resource properties that worked with version 7 of the Application Server are supported for backward compatibility.