Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Deployment Planning Guide

HTTP Session Size and Scope

The session size per request depends on the amount of session information stored in the session.

Tip –

To improve overall performance, reduce the amount of information in the session as much as possible.

It is possible to fine-tune the session size per request through the persistence scope settings. Choose from the following options for HTTP session persistence scope:

To use this option, the application must:

Table 2–2 Comparison of Persistence Scope Options

Persistence Scope Option 




Provides improved response time for requests that do not modify session state. 

During the execution of a web method, typically doGet() or doPost(), the application must call a session method:

  • setAttribute() if the attribute was changed

  • removeAttribute() if the attribute was removed.


No constraint on applications. 

Potentially poorer throughput and response time as compared to the modified-session and the modified-attribute options.


Better throughput and response time for requests in which the percentage of session state modified is low. 

As the percentage of session state modified for a given request nears 60%, throughput and response time degrade. In such cases, the performance is worse than the other options because of the overhead of splitting the attributes into separate records.