Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Deployment Planning Guide

Adding Redundancy to the System

One way to achieve high availability is to add hardware and software redundancy to the system. When one unit fails, the redundant unit takes over. This is also referred to as fault tolerance. In general, to maximize high availability, determine and remove every possible point of failure in the system.

Identifying Failure Classes

The level of redundancy is determined by the failure classes (types of failure) that the system needs to tolerate. Some examples of failure classes are:

Duplicated system processes tolerate single system process failures, as well as single machine failures. Attaching the duplicated mirrored (paired) machines to different power supplies tolerates single power failures. By keeping the mirrored machines in separate buildings, a single-building fire can be tolerated. By keeping them in separate geographical locations, natural catastrophes like earthquakes can be tolerated.

Using HADB Redundancy Units to Improve Availability

To improve availability, HADB nodes are always used in Data Redundancy Units (DRUs) as explained in Establishing Performance Goals.

Using HADB Spare Nodes to Improve Fault Tolerance

Using spare nodes improves fault tolerance. Although spare nodes are not mandatory, they provide maximum availability.

Planning Failover Capacity

Failover capacity planning implies deciding how many additional servers and processes you need to add to the Application Server deployment so that in the event of a server or process failure, the system can seamlessly recover data and continue processing. If your system gets overloaded, a process or server failure might result, causing response time degradation or even total loss of service. Preparing for such an occurrence is critical to successful deployment.

To maintain capacity, especially at peak loads, add spare machines running Application Server instances to the existing deployment.

For example, consider a system with two machines running one Application Server instance each. Together, these machines handle a peak load of 300 requests per second. If one of these machines becomes unavailable, the system will be able to handle only 150 requests, assuming an even load distribution between the machines. Therefore, half the requests during peak load will not be served.