Sun Java System Communications Services 2005Q4 Release Notes

Setting up the Search Filter in Communications Express

The search filter used by Communications Express needs to be changed to accommodate the matching rule syntax. This is achieved by enabling the collation rule parameters specified in the file (which resides under deployed-path/WEB-INF/ldappstore (for personal store) and deployed-path/WEB-INF/corp-dir (for corporate directory).

The parameters are:

# Collation Rule
# Uncomment below to apply collation rule

# collation_rule=en-US

# Search Fields for which collation rule should be applied.
# The fields provided here should be disambiguator formatted fields
# e.g. entry/displayname, person/givenname etc.
# Uncomment below to supply the comma-separated fields

# search_fields=entry/displayname

Uncomment the collation_rule and search_fields parameters to enable the collation rule. In order to specify a separate set of field or fields in the search, change the value of search_fields to the desired values. The collation_rule can contain either the language tag or the OID corresponding to that language (in the example without the suffix specifying the type of search. The Web Container Instance needs to be started after making the change.

The following attributes should be indexed on the LDAP Server for international search against Communications Express: