Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

Secure Remote Access

When a user session time out or user session logout action happens, the Sun Java System Identity Server sends a session notification to the gateway. Even when the Sun Java System Identity Server is running in HTTP mode, it will act as an SSL client using HttpsURLConnection to send the notification. Since it is connecting to an SSL server (the gateway), it should have the gateway CA certificate as part of the Trusted CA list or it should have an option to allow self signed certificate.

Note –

The method for adding the CA to the trusted CA list depends on the protocol handler defined.

To create HttpsURLConnection, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM™) property -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs needs to be set.

If Portal Server is running on the Sun Java System Web Server, Sun Java System Application Server, or BEA WebLogic Server, this property is correctly set to by default. The Sun Java System Identity Server package has the implementation of HttpsURLConnection and it provides an option to accept self-signed certificates from any SSL server by adding the flag in the file.

The -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs is not set by default for the IBM WebSphere Application Server. The HttpsURLConnection implementation for supported application servers must use their own default handler (this could be JSSE or custom SSL implementation).