Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

ProcedureStarting and Stopping the Gateway

  1. Start the gateway using the following command:

    gateway-base/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n new-profile-name start

    default is the default name of the gateway profile that is created during installation. You can create your own profiles later, and restart the gateway with the new profile. See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in Chapter 2 of the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide.

    If you have multiple gateway instances, use:

    gateway-base/SUNWps/bin/gateway start

    Note –

    This step is not required if you chose y for the Start Gateway after installation option during the gateway installation.

    Note –

    Ensure that only the configuration files for the instances that you want to start are in the /etc/opt/SUNWps directory.

    If you want to stop all the gateway instances that are running on that particular node, use the following command:

    gateway-base/SUNWps/bin/gateway stop

    The Netlet and the gateway need Rhino JavaScript™ parser (bundled as SUNWrhino) for PAC file support. This must be installed in the Gateway and Portal Server node. To install, use the following steps:

  2. Add this package by running pkgadd -d . SUNWrhino from the current directory.

  3. Copy package-base-dir/js.jar to

    ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/ext directory.