Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

ProcedureVerifying the Gateway Installation

  1. Run the following command to check if the gateway is running on the specified port (the default port is 443):

    netstat -an | grep port-number

    If the gateway is not running, start the gateway in the debug mode, and view messages that are printed on the console. Use the following command to start the gateway in debug mode:

    PortalServer-base/bin/gateway -n profilename start debug

    Also view the log files after setting the gateway.debug attribute in the platform.conf.profilename file to message. See the section Understanding the platform.conf File in Chapter 2, “Administering Gateway” in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide, for details.

  2. Run the Portal Server in secure mode by typing the gateway URL in your browser:


    If you have chosen the default port (443) during installation, you need not specify the port number.

  3. Login to the Identity Server administration console as administrator using the user name amadmin, and using the password specified during installation.

    You can now create new organizations, roles, and users and assign required services and attributes in the administration console.