Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

Secure Remote Access Administration Guide

The following items are not documented in the online help or Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Secure Remote Access Administration Guide, but are part of the Access Manager administration console.

ProcedureTo Enable Basic HTTP Authentication

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as administrator.

  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.

  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.

  4. The Gateway page is displayed.

  5. Select the gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.

  6. The Edit Gateway Profile page is displayed.

  7. Click the Core tab.

  8. Select the Enable HTTP Basic Authentication checkbox to enable HTTP basic authentication.

  9. Click Save to record the change.

  10. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:

    gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start