Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes


The Portal Server configurator does not work if Identity Server is running its Directory Server in LDAPS. (5044585)


Disable the SSL for DS and update the with non SSL port to successfully install portal server.

Configurator not found in PortalServer-base/lib. (6209368)


After installing Portal Server packages, the Configurator is not found in the PortalServer-base/SUNWps/lib directory Configurator was a symbolic link to the psconfig script. Due to some packaging issues, the symbolic link was not created in Solaris (it is available in Linux). So the user can use the psconfig script directly.


Use the psconfig script as an alternative.

PortalServer-base/SUNWPs/lib/configurator script is a symlink for the PortalServer-base/SUNWPs/lib/psconfig script.