Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains a list of the known issues with Portal Server 6 2005Q4. The following product areas are covered:


Gateway redirection not happening in any multi-session installation. (4971011)


Regardless of the installation mode, gateway redirection does not occur during a multi-session installation.


Perform the following workaround:

  1. Launch a Portal Server browser and access the amconsole.

  2. Under “Service Configuration” tab, select “gateway.”

  3. In the lower right corner of the window, click the “default” and the “security” tab.

  4. Then, add a URL like http://IS-Host:port/amserver/UI/Login into “Non-authenticated URLs:” field.

    An example URL is

  5. Finally, restart the Portal gateway by doing the following as superuser:

    /etc/init.d/gateway -n default start debug

The multiserverinstance script does not run on BEA WebLogic with Portal Server 6.3.1. (6228757)


If, during initial installation, the WebLogic admin port was specified as 7001 a different port number for the admin server can not be specified during the creation of a second instance.

Although the multi-instance script asks for the WebLogic admin port, and allows the user to provide a different value, changing the admin port or other admin server details is not supported.

By default it is assumed that all instances to be configured will be part of the same admin server.


To point to a new admin server, perform the following steps:

  1. In the /etc/opt/SUNWps/ file change the following properties to point to the new admin server:





  2. Use the multiserverinstance script to create the new instance.


The Portal Server configurator does not work if Identity Server is running its Directory Server in LDAPS. (5044585)


Disable the SSL for DS and update the with non SSL port to successfully install portal server.

Configurator not found in PortalServer-base/lib. (6209368)


After installing Portal Server packages, the Configurator is not found in the PortalServer-base/SUNWps/lib directory Configurator was a symbolic link to the psconfig script. Due to some packaging issues, the symbolic link was not created in Solaris (it is available in Linux). So the user can use the psconfig script directly.


Use the psconfig script as an alternative.

PortalServer-base/SUNWPs/lib/configurator script is a symlink for the PortalServer-base/SUNWPs/lib/psconfig script.


The Portal Desktop Notes channel does not use a semicolon as a separator. (4990900)


The Desktop online help states that a semicolon is used as a field separator. Semicolons are treated as regular text by the Notes channel, not as a field separator.

The pipe “|” symbol is now used as a filed separator.


iNotes and Microsoft Exchange 2000 SP3 are not supported with Proxylet. (no issue ID)


iNotes and Microsoft Exchange 2000 SP3 are not supported with Proxylet.



Page can not be displayed in iNotes when performing some functionalities. (6190570)


An error occurs with a message “Page cannot be displayed” in iNotes for the following modules:

  • Mail

  • Appointments

  • To Do

  • Contacts

  • Notebook

This message occurs when using the Save and Delete buttons.



NetFile help does not come up after Proxylet is downloaded. (6180420)


If Proxylet and NetFile are downloaded, the NetFile Help is not displayed and an exception is thrown in the Java console.



Unable to access the Portal Desktop in SSL mode after Proxylet is downloaded. (4990035)


The Portal Desktop can not be downloaded after Proxylet is downloaded if Portal Server is in SSL mode.



No help provided for the Proxylet rules. (5107957)


See Documentation Updates for Portal Server 6 2005Q4 for instructions on configuring Proxylet rules.

Accessing amconsole for a user from Proxylet gives “Action cancelled” page. (6190566)


If you log in to the Portal Desktop through the gateway, then load Proxylet, and then try to access the Administration console, the view list box will return an “Action Cancelled” page.



After an upgrade, the default Proxylet domain is not shown in the Proxylet edit rules window. (6230842)


After an upgrade, the default Proxylet domain is not shown in the Proxylet edit rules window.




The portlet session is not stored across managed servers in a cluster. (6190600)


HTTP session failover for portlets doesn’t work.




Can not create a new WSRP Consumer Producer. (6202285)


Creating a new WSRP consumer producer causes a server error.


When using Application Server 8.1, remove the following four packages before performing the Java Enterprise System 3 installation process:





Note –

If you have already installed Java Enterprise System 3 and experienced the errors described in CR 6202285, you should perform the following steps.

  1. Uninstall these four packages and reinstall them.

  2. Restart the system.

Online Help

The Online Help button for the Address Book channel is missing. (6193284)


The “Help” icon for AddressBook channel displays a “page not found” exception in the Browser.



The Portal Server Online Help links are broken in an Identity Server-Portal Server separated environment. (6197755)


This problem occurs when Portal Server is installed on the web containers, IBM WebSphere, and BEA WebLogic.


For BEA WebLogic

  1. In a terminal window, on the Portal Server machine change to the following directory:

    cd /BEAInstall-base/user_projects/domains/mydomain/applications/DefaultWebApp

  2. Type:

    ln -s /AccessManager-base/public_html/online_help/ online_help

    If the DeafaultWebApp directory is not available in /BEAInstall-base/user_projects/domains/mydomain/applications, type the following commands in a terminal window:

    cp /BEAInstall-base/weblogic81/common/templates/applications/DefaultWebApp.jar /tmp 
    cd /tmp jar -xvf DefaultWebApp.jar 
    cd /tmp/_apps_/
    cp -R DefaultWebApp /BEAInstall-base/user_projects/domains/mydomain/applications

For Websphere

  1. In a terminal window on the Portal Server machine, change to the following directory:

    cd IBMInstall-base/IBM/WebSphere/Express51/AppServer/installedApps/DefaultNode/DefaultApplication.ear/DefaultWebApplication.war

  2. Type:

    ln -s AccessManager-base/SUNWam/public_html/online_help/ online_help

Communication Channels

The Mail Channel does not display the login page. (4873659)


The Mail Channel will not successfully launch the Messenger Express client when the ipsecurity setting of the Sun Java System Messaging Server is set to “yes.” In order for the Mail Channel to successfully launch the Messenger Express client, the ipsecurity setting of the Messaging Server must be set to “no.”


Set the ipsecurity setting of the Messaging Server to “no.”

The MailProvider will not work with SSL secured IMAP. (4919693)


The current MailProvider implementation will not work with SSL secured IMAP.


After configuring the IMAPS channel, if the channel shows error on Portal Server with Web Server as container, change the mail.jar as the first entry in the CLASSPATH.

To add the mail.jar file as the first file in the classpath:

  1. Open the file ws-install-dir/SUNWwbsvr/https-ws-instance-name/config/server.xml

  2. Change the mail.jar file to be the first entry in the classpath.

  3. Restart the Web Server.

A newly created Address Book channel does not appear on the Desktop.(4922220)


The Address Book service must first be configured. Because the AddressBookProvider is not pre-configured, any channel the user creates based on the AddressBookProvider will not appear on the user’s Desktop or on the Content link unless the AddressBookProvider has been configured. See “Configuring the Address Book Channel” section in Chapter 17, and “SSO Adapter Templates and Configurations” in Appendix A of the Sun Java System Portal Server Administration Guide for more information.

Creating channels based on the other communications channels in the pre- populated, user-defined channels set may result in the created channel displaying the message: “Please specify a valid configuration.” Although the other Communication Channels are defined to a sufficient extent to appear on the user’s Desktop, they require additional administrative tasks in order to ascertain which back-end service to use.

Additionally, the communication channels require the desktop user to specify back-end credentials (such as user name and password) after the administrative tasks are completed. The desktop user can specify these values in the channel by using the channel’s Edit button.

Note –

The userDefinedChannels set might need to be administered on a per install basis because this set includes references to back-end services which might not apply to your particular setup. For example, all Lotus Providers in this set refer to interaction with Lotus back-end services for the communication channels which do not apply if none in the Portal user base will be using Lotus back-end services.

The Calendar channel will not launch if the domain name is not set. (4946959)


If the Server name in the Calendar channel does not include the fully qualified domain name, the Calendar channel does not launch.


Verify that the fully qualified host name is used for the Server name setting.

The SSO Adapter Configuration Does Not Support Distributed and Redundant Personal Address Books. (5020452)


Prior version of the SSO Personal Address Book (PAB) Adapter expects the container o=pab to co-exist within the User and Group directory. Portal Server6 2005Q1 introduced support in the “SUN-ONE-ADDRESS-BOOK” adapter template to specify the PAB directory server. The following properties are now supported:

ugHost: LDAP host name for PAB lookup

ugPort: LDAP port for PAB lookup


These properties need to be manually added to the “SUN-ONE-ADDRESS-BOOK” SSO adapter template by the admin in the Identity Server Administration Console.

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console.

  2. Select Service Configuration > SSO Adapater.

  3. Select “SUN-ONE-ADDRSS-BOOK” as the SSO Adapter template.

  4. Select Edit Properties > New Default.

    1. Specify “ugHost” for Name.

    2. Specify the LDAP host name.

    3. Select Create.

  5. Select Edit Properties > New Default.

    1. Specify “ugPort” for Name.

    2. Specify the LDAP port.

    3. Select Create.

The links in the Mail channel lead to the Portal Desktop instead of the Mail Client. (5053733)


When a user selects the Logout link from the Mail Channel, the logout page for the client logout page is not displayed (instead the Portal Desktop page is displayed).


If this problem occurs, perform the following steps:

  1. Refresh the Portal Desktop.

  2. Click the Launch Mail link in the previous portal page, and the Mail client can launch again.

If you want a webmail login page after a logout (instead of the Portal desktop) do the following.

  1. Change the following code on the messaging server.

    The file /var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/html/main.js has a method restart(), which is called from exit(), which in turn is called from logout().

    function restart() {
    var ref = window.document.referrer != ’’ ? window.document.referrer : ’/’
    if (ref.indexOf(’mail.html’) > 0)
    ref = ’/’
    var ind = ref.indexOf(’?’)
    self.location.replace(ind > 0 ? ref.substring(0, ind) : ref)

    Change the first line and provide the url of the mail server login page as follows:

    var ref = window.document.referrer != ’’ ? "http://pavoni:2080" : ’/’

  2. Restart the mail server.

  3. Clear the browser cache.

To test:

  1. Click Launch Mail.

  2. Log out from webmail.

  3. Click Launch Mail, which will take you to the webmail login page as the old session is not valid.

Clicking on the Launch Mail Link of UWC Mail Channel does not open MailBox. (6179802)


On clicking on the link of launch mail it takes to Web Server index page instead of the user’s inbox.

In Java Server Enterprise 3 the Portal Mail channel can launch the UWC from the Portal Desktop.

A new channel has been added called “UWCMail” and is based on the MailProvider. The UWCMail channel is available in the default organization or root suffix but is not associated with a Container out of the box. The UWCMail channel must be added to a container.

The UWCMail channel defines the following properties:

  • title

  • description

  • ssoAdapter

  • applicationHelperEdit

  • applicationHelperURL

The SSO adapter configuration is sunUWCMail and the SSO adapter template is SUN-UWC-MAIL.


To use the new UWCMail channel, add the UWCMail channel to a container for the channel to be visible on the desktop.

  1. From the Access Manager Administration console, add the UWCMail channel to the My Front Page Tab.

  2. Edit the UWCMail channel and specify the server settings. For example, login to the Portal Desktop as a new user and edit the UWCMail channel by specifying the following values:

    • server name: messaging-server-name

      • imap server port: messaging-server-imap-port

      • user name: uid

      • user password: password

      • smtp server name: messaging-server-smtp-server-name

      • smtp server port: messaging-server-smtp-port

      • client port: messenger-express-client-port

      • mail domain: hosted-domain

The calendar does not come up on the UWC Calendar Channel. (6179806)


In Java Server Enterprise 3 the Portal Calendar channel can launch the UWC from the Portal Desktop.

A new channel has been added called UWCCalendar and is based on the CalendarProvider. The UWCCalendar channel is available in the default organization or root suffix but is not associated with a Container out of the box. The UWCCalendar channel must be added to a container.

The UWCCalendar channel defines the following properties:

  • title

  • description

  • ssoAdapter

  • ssoEditAttributes (exposes clientHost and clientPort)

  • applicationHelperEdit

  • applicationHelperURL

The SSO adapter configuration is “sunUWCCalendar” and the SSO adapter template is “SUN-UWC-CALENDAR.”


To use this new channel:

Add the UWCCalendar channel to a container for the channel to be visible on the desktop.

  1. From the Access Manager Administration console, add the UWCCalendar channel to the My Front Page Tab.

  2. Edit the UWCCalendar channel and specify the server settings. For example, login to the Portal Desktop as a new user and edit the UWCCalendar channel by specifying the following values:

    • server name: calendar-server-name

      • server port: calendar-server-port

      • user name: uid

      • user password: password

      • client server name: uwc-client-server-name

      • client port: uwc-client-port

UWC Address Book is not being displayed on the UWC AddressBook channel. (6179807)


The SSO adapter implementation, WabpSSOAdapter, is using port instead of clientPort for the back end connection to the Address Book Server. This causes the Portal UWC Address Book to fail when the UWC client is not installed on port 80.


You can workaround this problem by doing one of the following:

  • Install the UWC client on port 80

  • Set the SSO adapter template or configuration property port and the value to be the same as clientPort.

To set the SSO adapter template or configuration property port and the value to be the same as clientPort is to add the “port” as a “Merge” property specified at the Organization level. The Channel does not expose the “port” on the Channel’s edit page.

To add the port as a “Merge” property:

  1. Log in to the Access Manager Administration console.

  2. Select Service Configuration.

  3. Select SSO adapter.

  4. Select Edit Properties... for SUN-UWC-ADDRESS-BOOK.

  5. Select New Merge and specify:

    Name: port

  6. Select Create.

  7. Select Finished.

  8. Select Identity Management.

  9. Select the organization.

  10. Select Services.

  11. Select SSO adapter.

  12. Select Edit Properties... for sunUWCAddressBook and specify the properties.

  13. Select New Default and specify the port value and select Save.

    Note –

    If there are existing users with SSO adapter attributes written at the User level, this solution might not work since the existing users do not inherit the Organization level changes to the SSO adapter configuration. Instead, the SSO adapter template can be updated with the “host” and port defined as Default properties.

Microsoft Calendar and Microsoft AddressBook throw “Content not available” error. (6213120)


An error message stating that content is not available may be displayed when configuring the Microsoft Calendar and Address Book channels on a WebLogic server. This problem can occur when other files take precedence over the jintegra.jar file.


Add the jintegra.jar file as the first file to the classpath.

To add the jintegra.jar file as the first file in the classpath:

  1. Open the file /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/mydomain/

  2. Edit the CLASSPATH to add /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib/jintegra.jar as the first jar file in the classpath.

  3. Restart the WebLogic server using

Lotus Address Book and Calendar does not work with old NCSO.jar. (6216069)


Lotus Address Book and Calendar need the latest version of NCSO.jar to work.


Use the latest version of Domino, for example NCSO.jar from Domino 6.5.1.

Secure Remote Access

Calendar links not accessible via Portal Secure Remote Access. (4929710)


If the desktop user selects to display non-secure items, the Calendar desktop shows. However, none of the links appear. If the desktop user selects not to display non-secure items, the Calendar desktop does not show. The effect is that the Calendar desktop items can not work through the gateway.


Edit /opt/SUNWics5/cal/config/ics.conf on the Calendar Server. Change the line, render.xslonclient.enable = “yes”

The Proxylet rules edit page gets displayed very late through the gateway. (6181714)


When invoking the Proxylet rules edit page through the gateway, the response is very slow, and Proxylet rules page takes a while to be displayed.




After stopping and starting the Application Server, users can not log in through the Gateway. (6191449)


If the Portal Server is using the Sun Java System Application server as its web container, stopping and restarting the web container in some cases causes an error that prevents the user from being able to log in to the Portal Server through the gateway. The problem occurs for all webcontainers— Application Server S8.1, Web Server, BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere.


Stop and restart the gateway. In a terminal window, type:

gateway-base/bin/gateway stop

gateway-base/bin/gateway start


Files cannot be opened on the local host in the NetFile Java 2 applet. (5055476)


The Netscape 7.1 browser does not allow local files to be opened in the NetFile Java 2 applet.

A local file can not be opened in NetFile. (5033644)


A local file can not be opened in NetFile because the file’s base directory is removed. When a user expands a file directory tree and tries to find a local file such as /tmp/1.txt and the user clicks Open, the alert dialog pops up with the following error message: The file /1.txt can not be found. Please check the location and try again.



Adding a share in NetFile with the type “FTP,” causes an exception. (5053765)


Users can not add an ftp share in NetFile Java1 or Java2. This problem occurs on the Linux platform.


Make sure that ifconfig is added to the system’s search PATH.

NetFile for NFS does not work on Linux 2.1. (6200718)


NetFile Java1 nor Java2 can access an NFS server shared mount on the Linux 2.1 platform.


To use NetFile to access and NFS server shared mount, perform the following manual steps.

For BEA WebLogic:

Edit the and scripts located in bea-install-dir/user_projects/domains/mydomain/ by adding the following line after the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable:


For Sun Java System Application Server:

Edit the asadmin script located at the AS8.1-install-dir/sun/appserver/bin by adding the following line after the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable:


For Web Server:

Add the following line under in the start script of the web container instance after the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable:




Netlet fails to load after relogin. (2102626)


If Netlet is loaded, and you log out of the Desktop and then try to log back in, you will not be able to restart Netlet.


Close the browser and open a new browser to load it again.

Microsoft Internet Explorer crashes while Loading Netlet with Default Microsoft JVM. (2120110)


When Netlet is loading, a security message is displayed. Clicking “yes” to continue causes Microsoft Internet Explorer to crash.




When using Microsoft Exchange 2003, gif files are missing in some of the pages. (6186547)


Many interface image files are missing.



In iNotes, under the Contacts tab, the Help page is redirected to the Administration console. (6186541)


Clicking the Help button from the Contacts tab in iNotes displays the Administration console page instead of the Help page.



iNotes does not logout correctly. (6186544)


Clicking on logout in iNotes displays two options. Neither of these options will log out of iNotes.



Microsoft Exchange 2000 SP3 gives warning messages and action cancelled messages. (6186535)


The following actions in Exchange 2000 SP3 it causes security warning messages and Action cancelled messages:

  • Clicking New tab under Mail.

  • Selecting any item in the drop box list.

  • Clicking New tab under Calendar.

  • Clicking on Empty Deleted Items folder.

  • Creating a new task.



Microsoft Exchange 2003 returns a login page when clicking on the Calendar reminder page on the “open item” button. (6186528)



When using Microsoft Exchange 2000 SP3, Moving or Copying messages to specific folders doesn’t work. (6186534)


If you login to the Portal Server through the gateway, and you edit the bookmark channel with the Microsoft Exchange machine details, the Move/Copy buttons on the Microsoft Exchange interface produce the error “Operation could not be performed.”



When using Microsoft Exchange 2000 SP3, selecting any item in the drop box list gives Action Cancelled message. (6186533)


If you log in to the Portal Server through the gateway, and you edit the bookmark channel with the Microsoft Exchange machine details, the mail and calendar drop box list on the Microsoft Exchange interface do not work. An “Action cancelled” message is displayed.



When using Microsoft Exchange 2000 SP3, Clicking on empty deleted items folder displays Action Cancelled. (6186540)


If you log in to the Portal Server through the gateway, and you edit the bookmark channel with the Microsoft Exchange machine details, deleted items can not be emptied in the Microsoft Exchange interface.




The Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide provides the wrong pathname for starting the Application Server. (5069886)


Chapter 2 of the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide uses the wrong pathname for the Sun Java System Application Server start command. The path /var/opt/SUNWAppserver7/domains/domain1/admin-server/bin is incorrect.


The correct path is /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/bin.

The gateway does not do round robin on portal server list as mentioned in the documentation. (6286205)


The Portal Server documentation states that the gateway uses the Portal Server list in a round-robin fashion. In the Java System Enterprise 3 release, the gateway goes through the Access Manager list in a round-robin fashion rather than using the Portal Server list.

Missing line in the instructions for running the configurator in a localized environment for Solaris Sparc or X86 machines. (6238677)


Chapter 2 of the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide contains an error in the command for running the configurator in a localized environment for Solaris Sparc or X86 machines.

The correction is as follows:

To run the configurator in a localized environment on a Solaris Sparc or x86 machine, type the following as one line:

/usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/bin/java -DPS_CONFIG_DEBUG=y
-DDEPLOY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<deploy admin password>
-DDS_DIRMGR_PASSWORD=<LDAP directory manager password>
-DIDSAME_LDAPUSER_PASSWORD=<AM ldap user password>
-cp PS-INSTALL-DIR/SUNWps/lib/configL10N.jar

For Secure Remote Access, the command for running the L10N configurator is:

/usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/bin/java -DPS_CONFIG_DEBUG=y
-DDEPLOY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<deploy admin password>
-DDS_DIRMGR_PASSWORD=<LDAP directory manager password>
-DIDSAME_LDAPUSER_PASSWORD=<AM ldap user password>
-cp PS-INSTALL-DIR/SUNWps/lib/configL10N.jar

Chapter 6 of the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide contains an error in the commands for starting the Application Server web container. (5070356)


The directory location for the start command is incorrect.


The command for starting the Sun Java System Application Server should be:

  1. Change directories to the location of the start command.

    • For Solaris use the command cd /opt/SUNWappserver7/sbin

    • For Linux use the command cd /opt/sun/appserver/bin

  2. Type the following command: ./asadmin asadmin> start-domain --user admin domain1 asadmin> exit

Chapter 18 of the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide contains the wrong path for the file. (no issue ID)


The section “Debugging Portal Server” in chapter 18 of the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Adminstration Guide states that the file is located in /etc/opt/SUNWps.

The correct file location is /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop.

Misleading documentation about sendrdm Command Line Interface tool. (5078733)


Chapter 16 of the Technical reference guide states the following:

The sendrdm command provides a mechanism for a CGI or command-line based search. An RDM (resource description manager) request is sent in SOIF format to the Search server. This command is normally run in a search-enabled Sun Java System Portal Server instance directory, which is the /server-instance-directory/deployment_uri directory. This is the deployment URI path you selected at install time. If you chose the default Portal Server install, this is the /var/opt/SUNWps/https-servername/portal directory. Where the value of the servername is the default web Portal Server instance name--the fully qualified name of your Portal Server.

This should state that

If you chose the default Portal Server install, this is the /var/opt/SUNWps/https-instance-name/portal directory. Where the value of the servername is the default web container instance name--the fully qualified name of the machine, for example

Mobile Access

The native JSP desktop does not handle the case when the frontPageSize exceeds the maximum deck size (Wm1DeckSize). Please refer to (4950078)



Mail is sometimes displayed as HTML document. (4938743)


Email messages sent with HTML in the body are displayed with the HTML source.


No workaround is available. However, to preserve the original formatting of messages, change the settings for mail application to plain text.

To do this in Netscape, use the mail client to complete the following tasks:

  1. From the Edit option on the menu > Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups

  2. From the Mail & Newsgroups menu, click Send Format and it will display the Send Format Preferences.

  3. Select Convert the Message to Plain Text option and click OK.

For the Outlook Express client:

  1. Select tools -> Options -> Send.

  2. In the “Mail Sending Format” section, pick “Plain text” instead of “HTML.”

  3. Select Save.

The default value shown in the Document Root Directory of the Portal Server Configuration Panel during JES installer is incorrect. (6203728)


This issue arises when Portal Server is installed independently after other dependent products have been installed and configured and while installing Portal Server on a separate instance other than that of Access Manager.


If the Web container on which the Portal Server is deployed is Sun Java Enterprise System Web Server, make sure that the correct path for Document Root Directory is entered in the Portal Server Configuration Panel that appears while running the JES installer.

For example, if you have installed the Sun Java Enterprise System Web Server in */opt/SUNWwbsvr*, then the Document Root Directory would be */opt/SUNWwbsvr/docs*.

The Contents link in the Mobile Application Services page displays “bad request” message. (5043783)


A bad request error occurs only when you click the Contents link in the Help page for the Services option. This happens while accessing Help from the Administration Console for Access Manager > Identity Management tab.



The Views: Rule for Date Contains does not work. (6212818)


Date search using a string format as dd/mm/yyyy in the search filter will not work.


IMAP stores dates in this format: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 13:06:55 -700. Search filters using this format should work.

When a View name contains a space, the View link does not display. (6212854)


The View link does not display on a device if the View name begins or ends with a space. Clicking Edit View results in a null pointer exception.


Do not use leading or trailing spaces in view and rule names.

URL forwarding to minimize URL length for mobile and desktop users. (5020380)


URL forwarding will be required to minimize URL length for desktop and phone users.


You can use redirection to seamlessly send users requesting a document on one server to a document on another server. For example, if the user types, it is without a destination URI. This prefix is not interpreted and translated in the web server administration console as the following:

Prefix: /index.html

To fix URL:

The web server will forward all Portal URLs with an URI /index.html to the fixed URL. Check the web server instance obj.conf file for this entry:

NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/index.html"

Mobile Mail & AddressBook Preferences are not documented. (5011510)



Using Application Server 7.1 UR1 in the cookieless mode. (5107310)


When using Application Server 7.1 Update Release 1 (UR1), if users need to use the cookieless mode, add the following JVM option to the Application Server configuration:


Invalid Rule/View URL Syntax error when rule is applied properly on a browser using Japanese language. (6190033)


When users add a rule on a browser using Japanese language, “Invalid Rule/View URL Syntax” error message is displayed. This error does not occur on browsers using English language.



Web server always sets content type to text/html when servlet filter is set. (6174754)


When a user deploys the Portal Gateway with an Access Manager instance, which is deployed on Sun Java System Web server, the Web Server always sets the content type to text/html. The following workaround provided will help users to work through the Web Server bug 6173293, which causes gateway bug 5093084.


Make the following change to the obj.conf file in the web-server-instance/config directory.

  1. Change the ObjectType from:

    ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/html


    # ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/html
  2. Restart the web server after you have made this change.

Changing client type in palmOne Treo 180 device to cHTML. (6190070)


When a palmOne Treo 180 mobile device accesses Mobile Access, the contents are rendered using the WML markup language. The Treo 180 is a cHTML capable mobile device. Though the Treo180 devices are capable of displaying WML, cHTML is preferable because cHTML is a richer markup language.


The following steps will enable you to change the client type to cHTML using amconsole:

  1. Navigate your browser to http://hostname:port/amconsole.

  2. Login as an administrator.

  3. Click on Service Configuration tab -> Client Detection -> Client Types: Edit (on the right panel).

    The Client Manager is displayed.

  4. Select the WML category to get the list of WML capable devices.

  5. Edit UPG1_UP_4.0_(compatible__Blazer_1.0) and change the “Immediate parent type for this device” to cHTML.

  6. Save the device settings, and then save global Client Detection settings.

    For more information about changing Client types, see Using the Client Manager in Chapter 2, Managing Mobile Devices of the Sun Java System Portal Server, Mobile Access 6.2 Administrator’s Guide.

Anonymous Portal login from a mobile throws a serious desktop error. (6184377)


When users access Portal Server using anonymous login from a mobile using XHTML or WML Browser or WML / XHTML Simulators the following error message is displayed.

“A serious error has occurred in the Desktop. This may have been caused by a mis-configuration on the server. Please report this problem to your administrator.”



Views menu option from mail is not displayed on Mobile desktop. (6185041)


When using a CC/PP enabled phone, the correct device name may not be displayed in the “Mobile Devices” section of the Portal Desktop. Users will be unable to associate views with the device. It may not be possible for users to customize content or layout for the device. Using amconsole, the following workaround will enable the Views menu option on your mobile device.


Users must add the device name manually to the user’s profile. The correct device name for a CC/PP compliant device is the URL of the CC/PP profile with special characters replaced with “_” and with a “_” character at the beginning and the end. For example, if the URL is, then the device name is _http___developer.openwave.com_uaprof_OPWVSDK62.xml_. The following steps describes how you can add the device name to the user’s profile.

  1. Navigate your browser to http://hostname:port/amconsole.

  2. Login as an administrator.

  3. Click on Users -> click a user -> Services -> Portal Desktop -> Edit -> Edit XML directly.

  4. Locate the <Collection name="selectedClients"> tag.

    This tag lists all the selected client devices.

  5. Add the following tag:

    <String name="_http___developer.openwave.com_uaprof_OPWVSDK62.xml_" value=""/>

  6. Save your changes.

  7. Login to the Portal Desktop as an User.

  8. New mobile device called

    _http___developer.openwave.com_uaprof_OPWVSDK62.xml_ displays.

  9. Attach a new mail view to this device.

  10. Login using the Openwave 6.2 (xhtml) simulator.

  11. The Views menu displays.

    Note –

    The string added to the selectedClients collection is the URL of the CC/PP profile, with special characters replaced with “_”. You need to repeat the above steps for each CC/PP device you plan to support. The URL can be found either in the HTTP headers, or in the CCCPPClientDetector log file (in /var/opt/SUNWam/debug).

No Online Help available for Mobile Mail Preferences. (6185112)


When users access Mobile Mail Preferences link by clicking Edit Mail from the Portal Desktop, no help is displayed for Mobile Mail Preferences.



Devices rendering HDML content display garbage for Japanese characters for detail pages for Calendar, Mail, and Address Book. (6191363)


When users view their Calendar, Mail, and Address Book the content gets corrupted for Japanese locale when viewing HDML content. For example, when users:

  • Login to mobile desktop, the contents are displayed and Japanese characters are also displayed.

  • Navigate to the Calendar, the Calendar page contents are displayed and Japanese characters are also displayed

  • View Calendar, the Japanese characters in the Calendar events get corrupted.

Same problem happens for Mail and Address Book. Mobile desktop (top page) and the primary page of the Calendar, Mail, and Address Book are OK but when users are browsing the contents, the pages become garbage. For other types of content this issue does not appear.



Mail and calendar events sent in Japanese from browser, and then viewed on handset are corrupted and vice versa. (6191389)


While adding a Japanese calendar event from a mobile device, the event is displayed on a device but when displayed on a browser the Japanese characters gets corrupted. Also, when users add a Japanese event from a browser the event displays on a browser but gets corrupted when displayed on a mobile device. Similarly, when users use a browser to send a mail in Japanese, and view the mail on a mobile device the characters are corrupted. When users send a mail from the mobile device the email is displayed on a device but gets corrupted when displayed on a browser.



Portal Server Mobile Access Upgrade Files are Updated (no issue ID)


The Portal Server Mobile Access files used when upgrading from Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 to Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 for Solaris SPARC (java_es_05Q1_portal_mobile_access_sparc_solaris8.tar.gz) and for Solaris x86 (java_es_05Q1_portal_mobile_access_i386_solaris9.tar.gz) have been updated and are available for download from:


Self-registered users can not launched localized file. (4934330)


NetFile launchs in English, even if the user sets the locale to a non en_US value.


After self registration, , and and button.

  1. Go to “Edit User Information.”

  2. Confirm the user language.

  3. click OK.

The date and time are not displayed according to the locale in the Calendar. (4971337)


On the Portal Desktop, the date and time are not displayed in the correct locale format. For example, if the Korean locale package is installed, the date and time format in the Calendar are not displayed in Korean. This issue will occur for any localized installation of Mobile Access Pack.



Reminder time for Calendar task does not accept modification. (5031431)


Add a task to the Calender and set the reminder time as 15 minutes. When modified, that task’s reminder time is shown as 1 minute though it shows as 15 minutes in Calendar Express.



The Date in NetFile depends on locale of the server. (5026281)


The date format should depend on the user’s locale not the server’s locale.



Chinese text file attachment can not be saved correctly in Netmail. (5031446)


When using Netmail to attach a text file that contains Chinese characters, users who receive that file by Netmail, can not save the file correctly. The file characters are corrupted.



Unzipping a multibyte file in which the filename is a multibyte filename causes the filename to get corrupted. (5033641)


If a multibyte file that has a multibyte filename is unzipped the filename gets corrupted.



The naming order of address book entries is strange for Japanese users. (6197714)


The address book channel and map address book displays first name then last name. It should display last name, then first name.



When using Netmail Lite to send mail in Japanese, the end of the message displays either question marks or garbage characters.(6197737)



When using the de_DE locale, the advanced search page is incorrect. (6208359)


After clicking the search tab, the advanced search page comes up but part of the page is missing.



The Proxylet (under Secure Remote Access) configuration page in the Administration Console is not localized. (6208800)



The edit page of the Instant Messaging Channel displays an error page. (6210507)


Clicking the edit button of the Instant Messaging channel causes an error page to be displayed.


Change to user locale to English and then edit the Instant Messaging channel.

Multibyte filenames in NetFile can not be displayed under an NFS server’s shared folder. (6193843)


Non-English users can not access NetFile files through the Portal Server desktop under NFS server’s shared folder if the file has a multibyte character file name.



Clicking on the “Edit” button of a channel with a multibyte name causes an empty page to be displayed. (6193860)



Can not post a note in the Notes channel. (6193889)


Portal desktop users are unable to post a note in Notes Channel because the channel can not be edited.


Change the display profile fragment for NoteProvider in dp-providers.xml file as shown (in bold) below:

<Provider name=”NotesProvider” class=”com.sun.portal.providers.notes.NotesProvider”>

<Boolean name=”isEditable” value=”true” advanced=”true"/>

The time format in the Calendar channel is incorrect for Japanese users. (6196579)


For Japanese users, the time format on calendar channel should be PM: HH:MM - AM: HH:MM.



Users can not cancel the Netlet warning dialog box. (2112878)


When Portal Server desktop users try to access an FTP or telnet service through Netlet in a localized Portal Server configuration, Netlet displays a warning dialog box with the options “OK” and “Cancel.” If the user clicks Cancel, the dialog box hangs.



Instant Messenger can not be invoked as Java Web start style in with some JDK versions. (6199908)


This problem occurs when the user tries to access the Portal Server desktop on a Windows machine with J2SE 1.5.0 installed.



Unable to send mail using NetFile Java1. (4910252)


Files can not be sent using the mail button from NetFile Java1, when file path or file name contains multi-byte characters.

Files can not be mailed using the mail button from NetFile Java1. Files can be mailed using NetFile Java2.



The date format specified in the Netmail Online Help is wrong. (4920181)


The Netmail Online Help states that the date format to search for mail is mm-dd-yy. This format is incorrect in many locales.


The date format for searching mail depends on the user’s locale. For example, in the Japanese locale, users should use the following date format:


The date format used in the Calendar channel for some European (EMEA) locales is wrong. (5033728)


The date format used is Month Day, Year. The format should be Day Month Year.



Events in the Calendar channel use the wrong time format for European locales. (5033735)


Events displayed in the Calendar channel use the wrong time format (12-hours). They should use the 24-hour format as it is set in Calendar Server.



The Korean version of Netmail’s Find application does not locate all messages properly. (5036419)


The before/on option does not highlight messages that match the on value. The after/on option highlights messages that match the on value.



For simplified Chinese users, the default language in the User Information channel’s editing page is English. (5036625)


The locale XML files are set for en, not zh.



The Anonymous desktop (/portal/dt) is not displayed according to the preferred language set in the browser. (5059646)


The first time the anonymous desktop is accessed it is displayed according to the preferred language specified in the browser. If the preferred language is changed in the browser and the page is refreshed, only part of the desktop contents are displayed in browser locale.



When languages are selected, configuration of localization is slow. (5074720)


Portal Server software configuration requires several minutes for each language. Each language uses many XML files, and dpadmin is called for each.



Localized authentication JSPs for Portal Server Mobile Access are not deployed into the Access Manager. (6191601)


These JSPs are delivered in the SUNWam/mobile_auth_jsps.jar and must be unjarred into SUNWam/web-src/services. The SUNWam/amserver.war also must be recreated and redeployed into the web container.



Portal Server May Not Deploy for Spanish Locale. (6214289)


Portal Server may not start when deployed with Sun Java System Web Server if Portal Server was installed using the text-based interface.



NetFile Does Not Correctly Display Windows 2000 Shared Folder Names for Japanese Locale. (6215099)


The folder name is displayed as garbage only for the Japanese locale.

