Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

Mobile Access

The native JSP desktop does not handle the case when the frontPageSize exceeds the maximum deck size (Wm1DeckSize). Please refer to (4950078)



Mail is sometimes displayed as HTML document. (4938743)


Email messages sent with HTML in the body are displayed with the HTML source.


No workaround is available. However, to preserve the original formatting of messages, change the settings for mail application to plain text.

To do this in Netscape, use the mail client to complete the following tasks:

  1. From the Edit option on the menu > Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups

  2. From the Mail & Newsgroups menu, click Send Format and it will display the Send Format Preferences.

  3. Select Convert the Message to Plain Text option and click OK.

For the Outlook Express client:

  1. Select tools -> Options -> Send.

  2. In the “Mail Sending Format” section, pick “Plain text” instead of “HTML.”

  3. Select Save.

The default value shown in the Document Root Directory of the Portal Server Configuration Panel during JES installer is incorrect. (6203728)


This issue arises when Portal Server is installed independently after other dependent products have been installed and configured and while installing Portal Server on a separate instance other than that of Access Manager.


If the Web container on which the Portal Server is deployed is Sun Java Enterprise System Web Server, make sure that the correct path for Document Root Directory is entered in the Portal Server Configuration Panel that appears while running the JES installer.

For example, if you have installed the Sun Java Enterprise System Web Server in */opt/SUNWwbsvr*, then the Document Root Directory would be */opt/SUNWwbsvr/docs*.

The Contents link in the Mobile Application Services page displays “bad request” message. (5043783)


A bad request error occurs only when you click the Contents link in the Help page for the Services option. This happens while accessing Help from the Administration Console for Access Manager > Identity Management tab.



The Views: Rule for Date Contains does not work. (6212818)


Date search using a string format as dd/mm/yyyy in the search filter will not work.


IMAP stores dates in this format: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 13:06:55 -700. Search filters using this format should work.

When a View name contains a space, the View link does not display. (6212854)


The View link does not display on a device if the View name begins or ends with a space. Clicking Edit View results in a null pointer exception.


Do not use leading or trailing spaces in view and rule names.

URL forwarding to minimize URL length for mobile and desktop users. (5020380)


URL forwarding will be required to minimize URL length for desktop and phone users.


You can use redirection to seamlessly send users requesting a document on one server to a document on another server. For example, if the user types, it is without a destination URI. This prefix is not interpreted and translated in the web server administration console as the following:

Prefix: /index.html

To fix URL:

The web server will forward all Portal URLs with an URI /index.html to the fixed URL. Check the web server instance obj.conf file for this entry:

NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/index.html"

Mobile Mail & AddressBook Preferences are not documented. (5011510)



Using Application Server 7.1 UR1 in the cookieless mode. (5107310)


When using Application Server 7.1 Update Release 1 (UR1), if users need to use the cookieless mode, add the following JVM option to the Application Server configuration:


Invalid Rule/View URL Syntax error when rule is applied properly on a browser using Japanese language. (6190033)


When users add a rule on a browser using Japanese language, “Invalid Rule/View URL Syntax” error message is displayed. This error does not occur on browsers using English language.



Web server always sets content type to text/html when servlet filter is set. (6174754)


When a user deploys the Portal Gateway with an Access Manager instance, which is deployed on Sun Java System Web server, the Web Server always sets the content type to text/html. The following workaround provided will help users to work through the Web Server bug 6173293, which causes gateway bug 5093084.


Make the following change to the obj.conf file in the web-server-instance/config directory.

  1. Change the ObjectType from:

    ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/html


    # ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/html
  2. Restart the web server after you have made this change.

Changing client type in palmOne Treo 180 device to cHTML. (6190070)


When a palmOne Treo 180 mobile device accesses Mobile Access, the contents are rendered using the WML markup language. The Treo 180 is a cHTML capable mobile device. Though the Treo180 devices are capable of displaying WML, cHTML is preferable because cHTML is a richer markup language.


The following steps will enable you to change the client type to cHTML using amconsole:

  1. Navigate your browser to http://hostname:port/amconsole.

  2. Login as an administrator.

  3. Click on Service Configuration tab -> Client Detection -> Client Types: Edit (on the right panel).

    The Client Manager is displayed.

  4. Select the WML category to get the list of WML capable devices.

  5. Edit UPG1_UP_4.0_(compatible__Blazer_1.0) and change the “Immediate parent type for this device” to cHTML.

  6. Save the device settings, and then save global Client Detection settings.

    For more information about changing Client types, see Using the Client Manager in Chapter 2, Managing Mobile Devices of the Sun Java System Portal Server, Mobile Access 6.2 Administrator’s Guide.

Anonymous Portal login from a mobile throws a serious desktop error. (6184377)


When users access Portal Server using anonymous login from a mobile using XHTML or WML Browser or WML / XHTML Simulators the following error message is displayed.

“A serious error has occurred in the Desktop. This may have been caused by a mis-configuration on the server. Please report this problem to your administrator.”



Views menu option from mail is not displayed on Mobile desktop. (6185041)


When using a CC/PP enabled phone, the correct device name may not be displayed in the “Mobile Devices” section of the Portal Desktop. Users will be unable to associate views with the device. It may not be possible for users to customize content or layout for the device. Using amconsole, the following workaround will enable the Views menu option on your mobile device.


Users must add the device name manually to the user’s profile. The correct device name for a CC/PP compliant device is the URL of the CC/PP profile with special characters replaced with “_” and with a “_” character at the beginning and the end. For example, if the URL is, then the device name is _http___developer.openwave.com_uaprof_OPWVSDK62.xml_. The following steps describes how you can add the device name to the user’s profile.

  1. Navigate your browser to http://hostname:port/amconsole.

  2. Login as an administrator.

  3. Click on Users -> click a user -> Services -> Portal Desktop -> Edit -> Edit XML directly.

  4. Locate the <Collection name="selectedClients"> tag.

    This tag lists all the selected client devices.

  5. Add the following tag:

    <String name="_http___developer.openwave.com_uaprof_OPWVSDK62.xml_" value=""/>

  6. Save your changes.

  7. Login to the Portal Desktop as an User.

  8. New mobile device called

    _http___developer.openwave.com_uaprof_OPWVSDK62.xml_ displays.

  9. Attach a new mail view to this device.

  10. Login using the Openwave 6.2 (xhtml) simulator.

  11. The Views menu displays.

    Note –

    The string added to the selectedClients collection is the URL of the CC/PP profile, with special characters replaced with “_”. You need to repeat the above steps for each CC/PP device you plan to support. The URL can be found either in the HTTP headers, or in the CCCPPClientDetector log file (in /var/opt/SUNWam/debug).

No Online Help available for Mobile Mail Preferences. (6185112)


When users access Mobile Mail Preferences link by clicking Edit Mail from the Portal Desktop, no help is displayed for Mobile Mail Preferences.



Devices rendering HDML content display garbage for Japanese characters for detail pages for Calendar, Mail, and Address Book. (6191363)


When users view their Calendar, Mail, and Address Book the content gets corrupted for Japanese locale when viewing HDML content. For example, when users:

  • Login to mobile desktop, the contents are displayed and Japanese characters are also displayed.

  • Navigate to the Calendar, the Calendar page contents are displayed and Japanese characters are also displayed

  • View Calendar, the Japanese characters in the Calendar events get corrupted.

Same problem happens for Mail and Address Book. Mobile desktop (top page) and the primary page of the Calendar, Mail, and Address Book are OK but when users are browsing the contents, the pages become garbage. For other types of content this issue does not appear.



Mail and calendar events sent in Japanese from browser, and then viewed on handset are corrupted and vice versa. (6191389)


While adding a Japanese calendar event from a mobile device, the event is displayed on a device but when displayed on a browser the Japanese characters gets corrupted. Also, when users add a Japanese event from a browser the event displays on a browser but gets corrupted when displayed on a mobile device. Similarly, when users use a browser to send a mail in Japanese, and view the mail on a mobile device the characters are corrupted. When users send a mail from the mobile device the email is displayed on a device but gets corrupted when displayed on a browser.



Portal Server Mobile Access Upgrade Files are Updated (no issue ID)


The Portal Server Mobile Access files used when upgrading from Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 to Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 for Solaris SPARC (java_es_05Q1_portal_mobile_access_sparc_solaris8.tar.gz) and for Solaris x86 (java_es_05Q1_portal_mobile_access_i386_solaris9.tar.gz) have been updated and are available for download from: