Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes


The amconsole Login Page after a fresh install is different from the amconsole Login Page after an upgrade of Access Manager. (6295051)


The amconsole Login Page that is displayed after a fresh install is different from the amconsole Login Page after an upgrade of Access Manager from Java Enterprise System 3 to Java Enterprise System 4.

The Logout page that is displayed is also different between a fresh install and an Access Manager upgrade.


Restart the Mozilla browser to get the correct login or logout page.

The Secure Remote Access init scripts try to run /etc/init.d/cron. (6300415)


The init scripts for the Secure Remote Access proxies (netletd and rwproxyd) try to stop and start cron using /etc/init.d/cron, but cron is managed by SMF in Solaris 10.


On a Solaris 10 system, after starting the gateway watchdog process, issue the command:

svcadm restart cron