Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer Sample Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction to Customizing the Developer Sample Portal Desktop

This chapter provides an introduction to customizing the Sun JavaTM System Portal Server software Desktop. It describes the different kinds of customizations and who should make those customizations. This chapter also provides an overview of the display profile, sample desktops included with the product, and how you create and deploy a new desktop and provider.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Types of Desktop Customizations

The Developer Sample can be customized by end users, administrators, and developers. Though this guide covers only administrator customizations, it includes an overview of end user and developer customizations, and where to go for more information on those customizations. This guide refers to administrator customizations such as changes and modifications made to the sample portal that involve modifications to the display profile, JavaServerTM Pages and template files, search provider, and online help.

End User Customizations

End users can customize the sample portal desktop in the following ways.

Users customize channels by using the Edit Channel icon for a particular channel (as long as the administrator has made it available). Users customize the look and feel of the Desktop through the Themes page. See the Portal Server software End User Desktop Online Help for more information.

Users can also configure:

Developer Customizations

The Portal Server software developers can customize the desktop by creating:

Developers can also use the Provider Application Programming Interface (PAPI) and the Search service APIs to extend the Portal Server software. See the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer’s Guide for more information.

Administrator Customizations

The Portal Server software administrators can customize the Desktop by:

By performing these customizations, you can arrive at:

This guide describes these administrator customizations.

What Are the Areas for Customizing the Desktop?

In general, the Portal Server software documentation divides user interface customization into the following areas:

Desktop pages

You can modify the look and feel of the templates, including images, structure, and color.

Desktop layout

You can modify the look and feel of the Desktop, customize the top container used by the organization, control Desktop themes, and so on. This chapter describes the Desktop customization tasks.

Using the Display Profile

Much of your work in customizing the Portal Server software involves creating or editing the display profile to provide the kind of Desktop you want for your site. The display profile is an XML document that defines the Desktop structure and content. The display profile Document Type Definition file (DTD) defines valid syntax for the display profile XML documents. See /etc/opt/SUNWportal/dtd/psdp.dtd for more information.

The hierarchical structuring of the display profile document does not define the visual layering of channel on the portal Desktop. The display profile exists only to provide property values for channels on the Desktop.

The display profile contains definitions that enable you to construct the Desktop. These definitions include providers, channels, containers, and properties. Some of these definitions create the Desktop containers—the frames, tables, and tabs that arrange the content of the Desktop—and others create channels for the Desktop via the respective providers. A display profile provider definition is a template for building channels based on that provider.

Note –

A provider is a Java class responsible for converting the content in a file, or the output of an application or service into the proper format for a channel. A number of providers are shipped with the Portal Server software. As the desktop is imaged, each provider is queried in turn for the content of its associated channel. Some providers are capable of generating multiple channels based upon their configuration.

Using the display profile mechanism, you can create a new portal desktop or modify the sample portal provided with the product. See Chapter 2, Modifying the Developer Sample Portal and Chapter 3, Creating a New Desktop for more information.

The display profile documents themselves consist of display profile objects. The display profile DTD defines the XML tags that represent the allowable display profile objects.

Like display profile objects are grouped within their appropriate XML tag pairs. That is, providers are grouped within <Providers></Providers> tags, channels within <Channels></Channels> tags, properties within <Properties></Properties> tags.

For a complete discussion of the display profile, how the merging works, and a description of the display profile DTD syntax, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Tecchnical Reference Guide.

Using JavaServer Pages and (HTML) Template Files

To generate the rendered desktop user interface, the Portal Server software makes use of either JavaServerTM Pages (JSPTM) or template files. JSPs are preferred because they enable a much easier customization process without having to change the provider Java classes. JSPs also provide a way to enable a strict separation of business and presentation logic. Specifically, this means having the business logic in the provider classes and presentation logic in JSPs.

Note –

In general, a three-tier architecture consists of presentation logic, business logic, and the data. Tag libraries or Enterprise JavaBeansTM provide the business logic, a database contains the data, and JavaServer Pages (JSPs) or templates provide the presentation logic. However, this view is based on a “small” system where the entire system is contained in one server, or perhaps only the data is on another server.

The Portal Server software takes the “larger” system view, where all of the product is presentation. The business logic resides in some back end resource server that a content provider accesses. The data is on yet another back end server.

The default set of JSPs and template files are installed in PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/default directory. The sample portal JSPs and template files are installed in PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/developer_sample directory. The Desktop Type attribute in the Desktop attributes page of the Portal Server management console specifies from what subdirectory to retrieve either the JSP or template files for the Desktop.

Note –

How the JSPs and Template files are referenced by the providers is provider-specific. Some providers specify the file in the display profile, other providers specify fixed names.

For example, for JSPProvider, there are display profile properties such as contentPage, editPage, and so on, that reference Desktop files under the PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/default directory. For other providers, such as BookmarkProvider, the name of the template file is fixed, for example, display.template and that name is mentioned in the display profile document for that provider.

Using the Desktop Tag Library

Desktops based on JSPs enable a customization process without the necessity of changing the provider Java classes. The implementation of the JSP-based Desktop uses a tag library which the Portal Server software supplies. Not all Desktop channels need to be JSP-based. There are also channels using HTML-based templates.

A tag library is exposed through Tag Library Descriptors (TLD) files, so tags are in their appropriate functional area. For more information, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide.