Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer Sample Guide

Editing the Display Profile

The developer needs to edit the display profile document and specify the <Container> and <Provider> display profile elements where applicable. The tags that should be modified are:

<Provider name="provider" class="provider class">
<Container name="container" provider="provider">

For JSP files, the <Properties> tag for the provider contains the following property tag, which references the JSP Content page:

<String name="contentPage" value="value">

The <Properties> tag for the channel can have values that override the properties set in the <Provider> tag. Thus, if desired, you could set the JSP contentPage value here. You do not reference template-based providers, or other providers you might develop, in this way.

The <Available> and <Selected> tags are required for all containers in the display profile.

The JSP-based tab, table, and frametab containers have additional properties requirements.

Note –

There is a distinction between a provider element in the display profile and the Java class for the provider.

Provider element

<Provider name="JSPTableContainer" class=com.sun.portal.providers.containers.jsp.table.JSPTableContainerProvider>
Java class


You can modify display profile objects by performing one of the following:

For more information on display profile and the psadmin subcommands to manage the display profile, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Command-Line Reference.