Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer Sample Guide

Changing the Tab Image for JSP-based Tab Containers

You can customize the look of tabs as they use images.

ProcedureTo Change the Tab Image for JSP-based Tab Containers

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Edit the display profile for the Developer Sample organization.

    To edit the display profile:

    1. Select Portals from the menu bar.

    2. Select a portal server and the desired organization or suborganization under Current Location.

    3. Click Manage Containers and Channels.

    4. Scroll to View Type and select DP XML tree.

  3. Select Global Themes and the theme you wish to modify in the DP XML Tree.

  4. Change the value of the tabNotchImage property to the new image name.

    By default, the value for this property is tabNotch.gif.

  5. Copy the new image into PortalServer-base/web-src/desktop/tabs/images directory.

  6. Run the PortalServer-base/bin/psadmin redeploy --adminuser amadmin --passwordfile passwordfile --portal portal-ID subcommand to deploy the new image.

  7. Reload the Desktop to verify the change.