Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer Sample Guide

Search JavaServer Pages and Tag Libraries

The Search provider consists of two stages—input form and results—and the JSPs used by the Search provider fall into one of those two stages.

The following Example 11–1explains the JSP layout for searchContent.jsp. In the input stage (Stage 1), searchContent.jsp makes use of searchMenu.jsp and psSearch.jsp to set up the initial interface. The basicSearch.jsp file is used for a basic search and advancedSearch.jsp file for an advanced search. The description menu— that is, the Full, Brief, and Title menus—is displayed for both basic and advanced searches by descMenu.jsp file. The browseHeader.jsp file defines the browse interface.

In the results stage (Stage 2), one of three JSPs is used: browseOnly.jsp file sets and executes the parameters for category browsing using the Search tag library, and includes the browseResults.jsp page; browseSearch.jsp file sets and executes the parameters for searching and browsing within categories using the Search tag library and includes browseSearchResults.jsp; and searchOnly.jsp file sets and executes the parameters for search using search the Search tag library and includes results.jsp and score.jsp for the match relevance. The pageFooter.jsp file displays the list of pages, Next, and Previous links.

Example 11–1 JSP Layout for searchContent.jsp

	|------>basicSearch.jsp----->descMenu.jsp (if search mode is basic)
	|------>advancedSearch.jsp-->descMenu.jsp (if search mode is advanced)
	|------>browseHeader.jsp (if browse mode is selected)
	|					STAGE 1 INPUT
	|	|
	|	|				STAGE 2 INPUT
	|	|
	|	|--->browseOnly.jsp----->browseResults.jsp (category browsing in browse mode)
	|------>browseSearch.jsp--->browseSearchResults.jsp (only for category search)
	|------>searchOnly.jsp----->results.jsp--->score.jsp(displays the match relevance)

	|------>basicSearch.jsp----->descMenu.jsp (if search mode is basic)
	|------>advancedSearch.jsp-->descMenu.jsp (if search mode is advanced)
	|------>browseHeader.jsp (if browse mode is selected)
	|					STAGE 1 INPUT
	|	|
	|	|				STAGE 2 INPUT
	|	|
	|	|--->browseOnly.jsp----->browseResults.jsp (category browsing in browse mode)
	|------>browseSearch.jsp--->browseSearchResults.jsp (only for category search)
	|------>searchOnly.jsp----->results.jsp--->score.jsp(displays the match relevance)

See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Tecchnical Reference Guide for more information on the Search JSP files.

The Search JSPs use the following tag libraries, which ship with the Portal Server software:

See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Tecchnical Reference Guide for more information.