Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer Sample Guide

Customizing the Search Provider

This section describes how to perform some common customizations on the Search provider.

ProcedureTo Add last-modified to the Search Result Display

  1. Modify searchOnly.jsp file by adding last-modified to the list of viewAttributes.

    For example:

    <search:setViewAttributes viewAttributes="hl-url,hl-title,hl-description,score,content-length,hl-classification,last-modified"/>
  2. Modify results.jsp file to display the last-modified date for document results using the SOIF getValue tag.

    For example:

    <% if (formbean.getDescription().equals("full")) { %>
        <FONT color=<%=tFontColor%> face=<%=tFontFace%>><search:getValue soifAttribute="description" escape="false"/></FONT><BR>
        <FONT color=#707070 face=<%=tFontFace%>><search:getURL escape="true"/><BR>
        <search:getValue soifAttribute="content-length" id="sz"/>
        <search:getValue soifAttribute="last-modified"/><BR>
    <% } %>
  3. Run the touch command.

    For example, type touch *.jsp.

  4. Reload the Desktop to verify the change.

ProcedureTo Remove content-length from Search Results

  1. (Optional) Modify searchOnly.jsp file by removing content-length from the list of viewAttributes.

    The line to modify is the following:

    <search:setViewAttributes viewAttributes="hl-url,hl-title,hl-description,score,content-length,classification hl-classification"/>

    Remove content-length from this line.

  2. Modify results.jsp file by removing the line that displays the content-length.

    The line to modify is the following:

    <% } else if (formbean.getDescription().equals("full")) { %>
        <FONT size=-1 color=<%=tFontColor%> face=<%=tFontFace%>><search:getValue soifAttribute="hl-description" escape="false"/></FONT><BR>
        <FONT size=-1 color=#707070 face=<%=tFontFace%>><search:getValue soifAttribute="hl-url" escape="false"/><BR>
        <search:getValue soifAttribute="content-length" id="sz"/>
  3. Remove <search:getValue soifAttribute="content-length" id="sz"/> from this file.

  4. Run the touch command.

    For example, type touch *.jsp.

  5. Reload the Desktop to verify the change.

ProcedureTo Display the Total Number of Documents in the Search Result Status Message

In this procedures, Steps 1 and 2 are independent of each other. If desired, run the touch command after Step 1 to see the results.

  1. Modify results.jsp by changing the search status line to add the <search:getTotalDocuments/> tag.

    For example:

    <NOBR><B>Document matches <search:getFirstHit/> - <search:getToHit/> (of <search:getHitCount/>)</B> out of <search:getTotalDocuments/></NOBR><BR>

    This results in the following display:

    Document matches 1 - 6 (of 6) out of 37
  2. Change browseResults.jsp by adding the <search:getTotalDocuments/> tag to the search status.

    For example:

    <FONT color="<%=tFontColor%>" face="<%=tFontFace%>" size="-1"><b>Subcategories <search:getFirstHit/> - <search:getToHit/> (of <search:getHitCount/>)</B> out of <search:getTotalDocuments/></FONT><br>

    This results in the following display:

    Category matches 1 - 2 (of 2) out of 86
  3. Run the touch command.

    For example, type touch *.jsp.

  4. Reload the Desktop to verify the change.

ProcedureTo Remove author from the Advanced Search Interface

  1. Comment out or remove the author related HTML from the advancedSearch.jsp file.

    For example:

    <!--     -->
    <!-- To disclude the "author" row, remark out the following section -->
    <!--     -->
        <td valign=middle align=right height=40><FONT color=<%=tFontColor%> face=<%=tFontFace%>><nobr> <LABEL FOR="advAuthor">Author</LABEL>
        <SELECT NAME="authorOp">
        <OPTION VALUE=<%=SearchContext.CONTAIN%> <%=formbean.authorOpSelection(SearchContext.CONTAIN)%>>does</OPTION>
        <OPTION VALUE=<%=SearchContext.NOTCONTAIN%> <%=formbean.authorOpSelection(SearchContext.NOTCONTAIN)%>>does not</OPTION>
        <td valign=middle align=left height=40><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="authorVal" id="advAuthor" VALUE= "<%=SearchContext.htmlEncode(formbean.getAuthorVal())%>"></TD>
  2. Comment out author- related lines in advQuery.jsp file.

    // h = new HashMap();
        // h.put(SearchContext.OPERAND, "author");
        // h.put(SearchContext.OPERATION, formbean.getAuthorOp());
        // h.put(SearchContext.VALUE, formbean.getAuthorVal());
        // l.add(h);
        h = new HashMap();
        h.put(SearchContext.OPERAND, "title");
  3. Run the touch command.

    For example, type touch *.jsp.

  4. Reload the Desktop to verify the change.

ProcedureTo Add a New Field to Advanced Search

  1. Uncomment the keywords section in advancedSearch.jsp file.

    <!--     -->
    <!-- To Include the "Keywords" row, unremark the following section -->
    <td valign=middle align=right height=40><FONT color=<%=tFontColor%> face=<%=tFontFace%>><nobr> <LABEL FOR="advKeywords">Keywords</LABEL>
    <SELECT NAME="keywordsOp">
    <OPTION VALUE=<%=SearchContext.CONTAIN%> <%=formbean.keywordsOpSelection(SearchContext.CONTAIN)%>>does</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE=<%=SearchContext.NOTCONTAIN%> <%=formbean.keywordsOpSelection(SearchContext.NOTCONTAIN)%>>does not</OPTION>
    <td valign=middle align=left height=40><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="keywordsVal" id="advKeywords" VALUE= "<%=SearchContext.htmlEncode(formbean.getKeywordsVal())%>"></TD>

    Remove the <!-- and --> comment marks from this section.

  2. Add the keywords to advQuery.jsp file.

    h = new HashMap();
    h.put(SearchContext.OPERAND, "keywords");
    h.put(SearchContext.OPERATION, formbean.getKeywordsOp());
    h.put(SearchContext.VALUE, formbean.getKeywordsVal());
  3. Run the touch command.

    For example, type touch *.jsp.

  4. Reload the Desktop to verify the change.