Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer Sample Guide

ProcedureTo Remove a Button From All Channels in a Container

  1. Find the container you want to work with. If you are working with one of the sample portals, you need to modify the appropriate “contained” container, which is part of the top-level container.

  2. Add the appropriate property (within the <Properties></Properties>) tags from Removing a Button to the container’s display profile for the button you want to remove. This two column table lists the button in the first column and the property to hide the button in the second column.

    The order of the buttons in this table corresponds to the order they appear in the channel, from left to right: Minimize, Maximize, Help, Edit, Detach, and Remove.


    Property to Hide the Button  


    <Boolean name="defaultChannelIsMinimizable" value="false"/>


    <Boolean name="defaultChannelIsMaximizable" value="false"/>


    <String name="helpURL" value=""/>


    <Boolean name="isEditable" value="false"/>


    <Boolean name="defaultChannelIsDetachable" value="false"/>


    <Boolean name="defaultChannelIsRemovable" value="false"/>

    Note –

    For the Help and Edit buttons, You must insert the respective property for each channel. You cannot insert the property within the container’s <Properties></Properties> tags.

    Make sure the following properties are not defined in the container:

    <Collection name="channelsIsRemovable">..</Collection>
    <Collection name="channelsIsMinimizable"/>..</Collection>
    <Collection name="channelsIsMaximizable"/>..</Collection>
    <Collection name="channelsIsDetachable"/>..</Collection>
  3. Load the display profile into LDAP by using the psadmin subcommand or via the Portal Server management console.